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Everything posted by lee2006

  1. I've done a claim before so thats not a problem, its just the other charges and unpaid direct debits i might get as a result of all these charges that worries me.
  2. Thats what i plan to do but because of these charges i wont have enough money this month and will get more charges and it will escalate and i dont want to mess all my finances up over this. Lee
  3. Hi I got my statement and i've been given charges of £140 of charges but from what i can see i went overdrawn so they charged me for that and charged me for being overdrawn, then they charged me for a direct debit they paid whilst being overdrawn. Anyway i plan to ring them tommorow but im sure they wont want to take the chrages off, but i was thinking of saying, well can i have the address to claim them back thru court then and see if they give anything back then. Has anyone got any tips on what to say to get them to give my money back? Lee
  4. Thanks for all your replies and help. Peter if you could let me know how you get on and any insight into what happens would be greaty appreciated. Lee
  5. Hi Just wondered if anyone else was in court that day to in southend? Lee
  6. lee2006

    DVLA tax penalty

    Hi I've just received a letter from the dvla telling me i have to pay £40 as i didnt tax my quad. The thing is, i sold the quad on ebay in december, the buyer and myself filled out the log book and put it in en envelope and he said he'd post it on his way home for me. I don't know if he did or if its lost in the post. Any idea on what stance the DVLA will take on this as i really cant afford to pay £40 for something thats not my fault. Thanks for any help you can give me. Lee
  7. I know this sounds a silly question, but what is there for me to know about my case other than how much im claiming? Also do i add the mcol payment and court payment to my claim as well now? Thanks Lee
  8. Thanks alot for all your replies, you've put my mind at rest and i feel more confident about doing a couple of other claims now. They drag it out so long it puts doubt in your mind that you've done something wrong. Id of thought they would want to settle earlier, the money it must cost them at the moment for administration must be alot and the majority of the time they have to pay out anyway, plus if they paid up quicker they might please there customers a bit.
  9. Also how can i find out about what other cag users might be going then?
  10. Thanks for your swift replies, this all seems abit daunting at times. My claim is being heard at southend county court. Dont i need to take anything then as i have been reading a post at http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/guidance-notes/64911-got-court-date-guide.html And i was worrying about all this extra paperwork i thought i needed to do Lee
  11. Hi Im claiming just £2000 and i never expected this first, i expected just the 1 court date, anyway, do i need to go to this? Why have i got this and most others dont? Thanks for any help Lee
  12. Hi Im not sure if im right or wrong so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. I bought a quad last year and got it insured via mce, after 2 monthes i missed a payment which im sure they took out on a differnt date to what i agreed but i need statements to check. anyway, they sent me a letter saying as i missed a payment they was cancelling my policy, that wasnt a problem for me as i decided to sell the quad so i could get a motorbike anyway, now there sending me letters threatening court if i dont pay for the while year, i would understand if i had to pay some kind of cancellation fee, but why should i pay a while year when all i got was 2 months worth.
  13. Hi Does anyone know what this means? Im really sick of all this waiting now, it gets so tedious, i keep worrying ive done something wrong, im glad ive only got 1 court action on the go. Thanks for any help you can give me.
  14. I cant see where on there it would say they have acknowledged it. I Didnt receive anything in the post about my claim, im due to do my judgement on monday 18th but im not sure if its gone wrong, Does it seem right whats happening?
  15. Thanks for your help michael. How will i know that they have acknowledged, will they send me a letter or will the court send me one or will i know by the mcol website somehow?
  16. Hi I've done my mcol claim and it was issued on the 28th nov. Do i wait 14 days for them to acknowledge it then if they dont i do a judgement? I havnt received anything in the post about my claim either is this right? Is the normal thing that happens is barclays say they will file a defence then file it then i get a court date then they just pay up then or do some people get there money before that? Thanks for any help Lee
  17. Thanks alot Nikki i think i've found what i need. But does anyone know if i can send the LBA in the same envelope as the rejection of there offer. Thanks Lee
  18. Hi Ive managed to do a bit but now im stuck, ive made a claim of £260 and they have offered me £104, im due to send them an lba tommorow so should i reject there offer in lba letter i write and is there a template of this letter? Thanks for any help you can give Lee
  19. brilliant thanks micheal
  20. Hi All I've just used the template and totted up the charges to £1490 plus 296 (8%) if it goes to court. Does it matter if i send the template off with the 8% on even tho im not claiming it yet or best i delete it? In the statements i had they sent a couple of duplicates which threw me for a couple of minutes the cheeky @@@@@@@@ Also it is ok to claim for UNPAIDS OUT......... UNAUTH O/D FEE....... AND PAID REFERRAL Isnt it? Thanks Lee
  21. Thank you very much Rooster yor a great help
  22. Hi Finally got all my statements back and i've worked it out that they now owe me 1575, can't believe how these charges add up. Do i send the letter now asking for that amount back? Hope everyone elses cases are going well
  23. Hi I bought a flat in may and i paid the service charges and building insurance a few months in advance. Ive had a letter for money for the ground rent which i paid, then i had a letter for service charges from the managing agents but the letter was in the name of the previous owner so i rang them to make sure that if i needed to i could still claim off my building insurance as it wasnt in my name yet. Anyway they said i couldnt so i said what about the money ive paid and she said yeah you still aint covered and thats the way it is, they tried saying it was my solicitor but the ppl who own the land have all my details so im think the managing agents should too. The solicitor has said they have done everything required and the managing agents are saying i have to keep paying for something i cant use until my solictor sorts it out, Anything i can do about all this, im thinking the best thing is to go to the citizens advice and ask them Thanks Lee
  24. Hi Everyone I sent my 1st letter to Barclays at beginning of september asking for a list of charges for the last six years. Today (9th sept) they replied saying they aren't under any obligation to send a list of charges but can send me all past statements and i'll receive these in the next few weeks. Then they wrote a load of stuff to try and confuse me, and i think it did lol but i dont think all that was important anyway. Am i on the right path so far? Thanks Lee
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