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Everything posted by roboraver

  1. Very well done ! its great to hear of this WIN as BH are one of the most terrible public companies to deal with !
  2. I think there is a bank template letter that you can send to them mentioning that the account is in "dispute" and no action can be taken on the account until it is resolved.
  3. "should send them an invoice for £38 as a processing fee..." that would be sooo funny, go on do it, there's no harm !
  4. Thanks Steven, have taken my blong wig off now, looks like I will have to go into a local branch with old account info and refuse to leave until statements are in my hand !
  5. Thanks Brown, will start on monday wiith the non-complience order.
  6. :o subscribing, keep up the good work ! Service Charge !! I thought I smelt a rat !
  7. So there really is nothing we can do as the account was opened in 1992 and closed in 2001 which is over 7 years ago............*ugger the hampster, so they have probably deleted the data. I always thought that the 6 year rule was from when the last transaction was made on the account, not 6 years from OFT's report of last year?
  8. So if a account was closed in 2001, they are no legially obliged to keep statements / records ? so are you suppose to re-claim if they do not have the satement to send you to calculate ?
  9. But if they wont send out the statements how are you suppose to know the total figure to enter into the spreadsheets ?
  10. Go get them Steve, I am not with them but NEARLY did sign up a few months ago but didnt agree with their policy on insurence cover (Isnt optional suppose to mean optional !!)
  11. :o There is hope at the end of the tunnel, have been trying for 3 months so far on a closed account, they wont budge at all !!
  12. Hi there, have just started this for my mum ! It's been 3 months now and still no statements ! god they are a stubborn bunch ! she has some old statement so we may just calculate from 1992 to 2001 (when her account was closed)
  13. OK spoke to info commisioner they said we have to wait 60 days before they will take action ! what I cant understand is the banks know they will eventually have to pay up, so isnt it in there best interest to resolve the cases sooner to save money ?
  14. OK this is really making me MAD !!, they are blatantly refusing to send the statements mentioning that the account was closed in 2001 and all records were destroyed ! Is the next step the financial O ?
  15. Once you start your claim your account will be in "dispute" so they cant really do anything anyway, besides your money that you will win back will probably pay off the overdraft anyway (A Win / Win situation)
  16. Am in the same situation shane, I will telephone them tommorrow to try and find the registered add
  17. Thank you all ! letters in the post, lets see what they reply with !
  18. Thank you for the replies, they have her account number and sort code, they are actually saying that they do not keep data on closed accounts that are over 6 years old (Her account was closed on 2002 !!), does anyone know what the group records management policy is ? Should I send another S.A.R for her mentioning that they should have records going back to 1992 ?
  19. They mentioned in the letter that there 'group records management policy allows for retention of 6 years of personal data to be held and this is inline with DPA guidelines. We do not store data beyond this period. As the account was closed more then 6 years ago we are unable to help' Now the account was only closed in 2002 so I do not understand why they do not still have the data ?
  20. Hi pips, am helping my very old mother claim and need a little bit of advice please. She opened her account in 1980 and it was closed in 1992. Sent a S.A.R to her local branch and got a reply from Edinburgh office claiming that they only keep records for 6 years and unfortunatly do not have any so they cannot help at this time !, I am assuming that they should at least hae records going back to 1992 when computer based records were first used ! Do anyone have a good template response that we can ammend in reply, or should we just complain directly to the info commissioner (who are very busy at this time I suspect !) Thanks in advance
  21. Laura I was in the same boat last week, and they used the same tactic. My understanding is that if you hired a solicitor for the Merc (As it is the highest court) then cost for time and pre-paration can be re-claimed, it does not matter if it small claims or fast track, if you mention this to him AND also mention that as you will have to take a day of work to travel to the court then you will also charge for loss of earnings. I could be wrong but it worked for me ! (I also work in the industry ) and it would of cost them £500 more if I had to turn up to court !
  22. Hi Donbracho, calculator posted a excellent reference to the Merc, check the Leeds Merc thread, i think its pages 8 and onwards ! if your case has been transferred then I think you are near the end of the tunnel ! (e.g you can see the light at the end of the long dark tunnel as the banks do not want to turn up at the Merc !)
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