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  1. Thank you, you guys are the best:D , the links were very helpful, I've finished my questionaire and it will be in the post tomorrow:D
  2. I hope I don't sound like a thicko but I need help with my Allocation Questionaire especially the Track option, whether I will be calling additional witnesse, Expert witness and what to put in the other information section, please help or redirect to a link that could help, thanx:confused:
  3. thank you for clearing that up for me! I was beginning to get a bit worried there!, so just to clarify I only use the judgement button after Lloyds have responded to my claim?
  4. I've put through my claim but now I've been asked to choose type of Judgement - what do I do?? :confused: :confused:
  5. I am in the process of completing my particulars of claim on moneyclaim online, I have already sent my schedule of charges to the bank in my original letters and in my lba, however after reading a few posts I'm a bit concerned as I assume the schedule of charges cannot be completed on MCOL, will this affect my claim in any way or should I just use the MCOL template provided and wait for the banks response? :confused:
  6. I am about to complete my moneyclaim online form but I am not sure whether the interest is calculated up to todays date or do I stick to the original interest amounts I sent in my schedule of charges to the bank?, Please help!!
  7. sporo7


    thank you very much guys!! :grin:
  8. sporo7


    Abbey have just credited my brother's account with £200 without even reaching an agreement with him, he is claiming £3000 and they have informed him that £200 is the amount recommended by their underwriters and they will also be snding out written confirmation what should we do??
  9. Sent off six letters yesterday requesting list of all charges on my accounts, I'm a bit nervous but after reading a few threads on this wonderful site I feel much more confident! Let the battle begin!
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