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thourb last won the day on October 4 2006

thourb had the most liked content!


63 Excellent
  1. Well, i'd almost forgotten about the entire case - it had gone on for so long without any correspondence... But i got the letter from Barclays yesterday, offering to settle in full. When this is done, i'll be writing to them again telling them that they still owe me more! Woooo
  2. [Mr Burns] Eeexxxxcellllent! [/Mr Burns] Money is now in my account! I won :D:D
  3. This sounds like the simplest way then. Have the other person sign all documents etc as usual, but should the case reach court, I could be a lay representative.
  4. Sorry if this has been posted before... Following on from my success against Lloyds, I have been approached by a couple of friends who would also like to claim their bank charges back and want me to write all the letters and deal with any court proceedings on their behalf etc etc. What is the best way to go about this? Especially in regard to court proceedings - how does one act on behalf of someone else when dealing with proceedings past the claim filing stage? My friends would dearly like to get their charges back - but just don't have the time or resources to do so! Anyone help?
  5. For Welshuser - here is the letter I sent to [problem] requesting settlement: Dear Sir/Madam, I write regarding Claim Number xxxx, filed in the xxxx County Court. I am, this morning, in receipt of your clients completed allocation questionnaire. I have noted that your client wishes to defer any action on this case for one month in order to attempt settlement. I am formally requesting a full, unconditional settlement of £ xxxx, including court costs and interest under the county court act. I require this payment to be made in the form of either a cheque or direct transfer into my Lloyds TSB Current Account. I believe that this is a simple case of law and am more than prepared to go to court, in order for a judge to decide, however I feel that it is in your clients best interests to settle before court, to avoid possible extra costs and potentially damaging media coverage. I would urge you to discuss this full settlement with your client and to get in touch with me as soon as possible with your clients decision. Yours Faithfully, Hope this is of help.
  6. Woohoo! Letter arrived today! I won - subject to normal terms & conditions. I'd love to continue the fight to remove terms and conditions, but none of them really bother me as I no longer intend on banking with Lloyds. Plus I really need the money now, not 2 weeks down the line! Thanks to everyone for their help Edit: Have faxed through settlement letter and spoken to [problem] (confirmed receipt) - Mr Thomas is out of the office until Thursday, it will get forwarded on to lloyds who should credit account within 5-7 days.
  7. Yeah I sent a letter to [problem] suggesting that their client pay up asap. I will find the letter that I sent them and type it up for you...
  8. Spoken to [problem] again today to chase their letter up. Apparently they sent it to the wrong address! Whoops. However, I had the fellow on the phone read the letter to me and it is the standard "we think you're wrong, but due to legal cost implications we will settle in full anyway" letter - subject to normal terms and conditions. They are sending it again to the correct address tomorrow - by special delivery! Not sure whether to just take the money under their terms, as I have another bank account with NatWest which I will be using from now on - not Lloyds - so I really don't care about their settlement terms! I'm sure they would settle regardless, but i can do without them trying to delay it until the 11th hour if possible.
  9. Grr! Nothing in the post today! Maybe they sent it second class :/
  10. Nothing in the post from [problem] today Perhaps it will come on Monday...
  11. Christ! I think Mr. Thomas spends more time out of the office than he does in the office! That guy should do some work hehe! I've left him 5 messages in the past week and he hasn't called me back once!
  12. This board will be the first place I come to if anything arrives in tomorrow's post! The only previous correspondence that i've had from [problem] was a copy of their AQ - and that wasn't sent recorded! The accompanying letter was printed on extremely high quality paper though! Will be in touch in the morning!
  13. Now i've spoken to [problem] - i'm also expecting a letter either tomorrow or Monday from them. Let's hope its the settlement offer one!! Im nearly there i think! Will be a shame almost for them to settle before court - i've just printed out over 200 pages worth of statements, case law and common law to present to the court!
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