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  1. Hi,iv followed tomtubby`s advice and letters have been sent.I contacted the head of the council and she said she would be intrested in meeting me with a dossier on Jacobs and what they have been up to. Andy
  2. Hi,iv just been on the telephone and the bailiffs are certified.But i still beleive the fees are wrong any ideas ? Ta Andy.
  3. Hi,the chap in which the number is above is on holiday.I telephoned their helpline on 0845 456 8770.The bailiff is not on his records and he recomends I contact the police. Shall I wait and contact the chap who is on holiday as he is an enforcer on bailiffs? Ta , Andy.
  4. Back again, I`v checked the name on the bailiff employed by Jacobs and according to HMRC they eather dont exist or they are not certificated . help Andy
  5. Hasnt it been a long time,! I hope everyone had a good Christmas, Got a very evasive letter back from Jacobs not telling me in any detail of their charges and no information on the bailiff. I will send another stronger letter,( what do you think?) Letter sent to council complaining of the unlawful behaviour of bailiffs with regard their charges, ( no reply yet !). Thanks Andy
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