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  1. If they advertise at a certain price they have to sell them for that price, take a print out of the web page showing the details and if they wont sell it to you at that price ask to see the manager. Do not buy it for the higher porice, you might have to agrue with them but you will win in the end
  2. Blueskies...its up to you whether you take my advice....either way it affects me not. Good luck with your case.
  3. exactly my point! all it takes is someone that works at the courts to have that number and you can find out where that person lives and all sorts of things..... Unfortunately not everyone that works for the courts are as nice as me With that number I could go into work tomorrow, find out where that person lives, go to there home and find some sort of identification (im not saying that the orginal poster would be throwing out stuff I could use for this) take it to the court and pretend I was them. The people at the court can only do so much to keep data safe!!
  4. Good evening all, Yes I do work for a court and I would never put up my claim number on a website, I am not saying a solicitor or a bank would use the information, but who knows who else is reading the forums??? Identity freud is a growing concern, and yes I have seen people come into court claiming to be someone when in fact they are not. You do not have to take my advice, its up to you, but please remember that these claims are concerning money, and people do strange things where money is concerned. As for the replies I got to that post, thanks for knocking me everyone, I was just trying to help someone out, seeing as I have seen this happen in the courts before I obviously dont know what Im talking about.
  5. Hi, ok with court dates the files have to go to the judge so he can decide how long to allocate the case to the court list i.e. whether to give you half a day, a day or even longer if so required. The file is then sent back to the list office and put in a pile of other outstanding work waiting to be dealt with. Once you file is picked up you should get a hearing date from the court. I think that you should ring the court listing office and ask them what is going on, because this seems to be a bit of a long time to wait. Saying that, the office could be over flowing with cases to be listed. Let me know how you get on
  6. Hi I have been asking about it this week and I have found out that there are many of these cases, all of them multi track because they are worth alot of money... Guess what??? none of them seem to get to the hearing *L* what a surprise.
  7. Hi Blueskies, Just to let you know that it isnt a good idea to have your court claim number published on a website, anyone can use that info down at your local court i.e to cancel your claim!! All anyone would need to prove your identity is a bank statement!!!! :o I work for the County Courts and I strongly advise you to remove it from you previous post. Anyway, enough about that, good luck, and keep us posted.
  8. Hi Guys and Girls, My husband told me about this site, and I have just spent the past 6 hours reading *L* We are taking on Barclays for 6 years worth of charges, the good thing is I work in a county court so will not be intimidated by the thought of going to court. I think the work you guys have done here is amazing and I hope that you are receiving the donations that you need, I for one will be donating out of any money that we get back from the bank. Well done people!!
  9. Hi Guys this is my 1st post on the forum Just thought I would point out that u can use your hose pipe to clean your garden as it is against health ot safety rules. Maybe you should bare it in mind when your garden needs a bit of water
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