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  1. Can someone provide me with a link with all the information needed at this stage. I want to be prepared.
  2. Hi I've been pursing Barclaycard for 263.67 in unfair charges. I went through all the 'standard' procedure, applied for statements, wrote asking for the money twice to no reply, filed a money claim, had an acknowledgement, then a partial offer of 80.00. I've just checked on line, and Barclaycard have submitted a defence, 3 days before I could have applied for a judgement. Can anyone advise me of my next steps. I took cap one to court for unfair charges and they settled. So this is all new to me.
  3. Moneyclaim have advised me not to tick that box as it issues a County Court Judgement. They have advised me to not cancel the claim until I receive the full amount. ???
  4. Hi I was in the acknowledgement stage with capital one, however Hayley Marriott has sent me a letter to refunt more than what I was claiming in the courts. However they have advised me that this is a gesture of goodwill and is put forward in full and final settlement of my claim. With regards to moneyclaim, do I tick the box: The defendant admits that all the money is owed (Judgment by Admission) If the defendant has given a new address on the form of admission to which correspondence should be sent, update the defendant's details within the following Judgment request. Or is there a different porcedure?:?
  5. :o Can't believe it! Capital One are being gererous. They are paying me 269.27, although my claim was for 230! They want me to inform moneyclaim. Do I tick this box; The defendant admits that all the money is owed (Judgment by Admission) If the defendant has given a new address on the form of admission to which correspondence should be sent, update the defendant's details within the following Judgment request. They have deemed the payment as a gesture of goodwill. So its not an admission...is it? CAN ANYONE ADVISE ME?
  6. Cap One have til 11 Oct with their acknowledgement...
  7. I've finally received a cheques for the partial settlement, even though I advised cap one that I was pursuing them for the full amount. As my case is at Acknowledgement stage, should I return the cheque? Or should I bank it and send a letter accepting it as a partial settlement?
  8. LBA sent for student account. A couple of pages were missing in my statements, so I've requested £210 of charges I could find and demanded that any charges I missed be added on. I'm hoping they ignore my claim...the Interest alone could add £100! Can't wait for my HSBC Mastercard statements!
  9. I went in to branch and refused to leave until they met my request. I have my HSBC account details, the credit card details will be posted to me. I've sent off my first letter. My advice to people is to go in to your branch, and demand copies. It's much simpler!
  10. Hi I thought I'd let everyone know how fustrated I am getting with HSBC. I had accounts with them between 2000 and 2003, I wrote to the Service Quality team for a dpa request. Forty days passed and I heard nowt. I then determined to write to them again, and report them to the Information Commisioner. I have heard nothing from the Information commisioner. I decided to call the Service Quality Team. They were extremely unhelpful and offered to log my call. They also advised me to call 08457 404404. After three customer service reps hung up on me, I finally spoke to someone who informed me that they couldn't access closed bank account and mastercard details. I was told to pop in to my branch. I am now off to my local HSBC with Identification. If they p### me about like the rest of the company I am going to go mental. Does anyone have any advice?:?
  11. I just wanted to know other peoples experience with cap one at this stage. I just was trying to guess their next move. I'm hoping they settle before court.
  12. Cap one acknowledged my claim....what do i do now? Do I sit it out? I've heard nothing. What is anyones experince with cap one at this stage? Is it a ploy? I want my money! lol:p ps. is there anything about forming a defence? if it does go 'all the way' i would appreciate som e pointers on what i am supposed to argue over.
  13. Hi My progress with my claim against cap one has just turned a corner. Cap one have now applied for an Acknowlegement of Service. I am claiming 200.00. I have had a partial settlement of £88.00. Does anyone have any advice? Do cap one defend in court or do they settle for full amount?
  14. Hi This is my first post, but I thought I'd give you an update: 1) HSBC ignored my DPA request. I have sent them a follow-up letter and reported them to the Information Commisioner. Still no news as of yet:mad: 2) I have had a DPA request from Barclays and asked for a refund of £200. I have not had a reply yet, but not long before I can begin court proceedings.:-| 3) Capital One. I have just had an Acknowledgement of Service by Wendy Starr, on behalf of Capital One. They have ticked a box stating, 'I intend to defend all of this claim'. I was offered a partial settlement of £88, which I have refused as I am owed £200. Does anyone have any experience of dealing with HSBC, Barclaycard, and HSBC? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.:?
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