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Sally Pooley

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  1. I was given the e mail by Paul Quinn at Barclays, the one i have is paul.quinn3@barclays.com if this helps anyone, also the numbers i left in one of my earlier postings are direct lines, Well the money hasnow reached my account, and i am just about to put pen to paper to the court.. Good Luck everyone Sally
  2. Hi Guys, Just a quick update, have received my settlement letter today for the full amount plus costs and interest, i'm now £8000 better off, what can i spend it on............... As Thailand suggested i have scratched out the confidentially clause, and have also put on the bottom of the letter that i will inform the court in writing when i receive the money in my account and not before. Barclays have said that it can take between 1 day and a week for the money to go in, oh well just so long as it does. I just would like to say a big thank you to everyone on this site for the encouragment and help that you give, dont think i could have got this far without it, and also good luck to everyone who has just started out claiming. My husbands friend has asked me to help him claim against Nat West, so here i go again, once the money is in a donation will be on its way to you........ :D
  3. Hi, just a quick update, i have spoken to Barclays who say they still want to settle, but as of today they havn't yet, they have advised me that my figures and their figures differ. I have advised them that i got the list of charges from them in the first place. Also just for a bit of info, i got a booklet through from Barclays yesterday advising me about the account change from the Woolwich to them and it explained charges and how you will now be charged £35 per day and not £35 per item for bounced cheques, unpaid direct debits etc. I think this means that if you have 4 unpaid dd's in one day you only get charged the one £35.00 but i could be wrong. Also has anyone heard the the Alliance & Leicester are now reviewing their charges and believe it will be around £4.50 for an unpaid item instead of £35.00. Good News if it happens.
  4. I'm really peeved now, still no letter from the woolwich, i just phoned the court to see how long i had to pass judgement, and the court advised that a Qa was filed by the bank, but late, and has been accepted, and is now with the judge. should i still try to see if the woolwich will settle.
  5. Hi, please advise, i havn't received my settlement letter which was due to be e mailed to me wednesday afternoon, i have sent a polite e mail asking them to send it today or i will pass judgement, how long do you think i should give them?????
  6. Hi, as you say it cant hurt to try if you are willing to accept 90%, and at the end of the day, if they say no, you can still go down the normal route, even the judge then couldn't say that you didn't try. Good luck Sally
  7. thanks i will, i'll let you know when full settlement has been received:)
  8. Hi, i couldn't wait any longer and i phoned Barclays Lit Dept yesterday afternoon, asking if they wanted to settle before i passed a judgement, the guy was a bit rude really telling me that he couldn't do that due to the judgement by default, i kindly explained to him that i had contacted the court and it was down to me to file the judgement against them, and that i was calling to see if he wanted to settle before i did this. He is e mailing me my settlement letter with an offer this morning, he said that i have to sign it and fax it back and the money will be credited to my account. Just waiting to see what he offers me, i can claim the court costs cant I? not sure if this helps anyone but i have some direct numbers for the lit dept 0207 116 4523 Tom Hicky, 0207 116 1944 Charlie Starlie, and 0207 116 5634 Paul Quinn.
  9. Hi, Can someone tell me what i should do now, The Woolwich/Barclays didn't return the Qa yesterday, i phoned the court this morning and have been advised it's been struck out. Should i just file judgement or phone the woolwich and speak to them first. I think i just won my case
  10. Hi, Just a quick update, i got a letter from the court on Friday to say that the Woolwich have until tomorrow 17th April to file their Qa or it will be struck out. Sally
  11. Hi, i think the Woolwich/Barclays have all that stuff on record, you could always try going into your local brach and asking for a list of accounts you have or had with them, as long as its in your name and you take id it's worth a try,
  12. Hi Sharkie, thanks for that, i have read through the thread, i must amit i hadn't thought about filing a judgement yet, as it in hand with the court, who i have been speaking to, also i have not been in touch with the Litigation Dept of the Woolwich/Barclays to give them a gentle nudge into filing their Qa. Do you think i should?
  13. Sorry pressed the wrong button!!!!!!!!!!!! i'll start again, my Qa was due 27th March as of today, and i have just spoken to the court again the Woolwich have still not submitted their's, but the court have informed me that the judge will still give them at least another week. Why, it's already 2 weeks late how long do they get?????? and how do they get away with it
  14. Hi, Can anyone tell me if this is right, my Qa was due 27th MARCH,
  15. Well phoned the court today, a week after the Qa was due, it has still not been returned by the woolwich, and my file is still with the Judge, the nice lady from the court advised that once its returned my case will be transfered to Southend as Basildon do not deal with bank charges, and that they were inundated with these claims at the moment, but she did not think i would hear anything for about another couple of weeks, is this the right sort of timescale.
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