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Everything posted by Shewolf

  1. Just wanted to say a massive thankyou to everyone for all your help and support. I could not have got this far without everyones help !! XXXXXX This money will make a real difference to me and my family, so all your help has been invaluable.
  2. SETTLED THIS MORNING !!!!! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: What do I do about the confidentiality part? Don't want to sign it!
  3. Thanks for all your advice! Will update you all when I know more xxxx
  4. Thought i would wait until today before phoning as I thought something may come in the post, or the court wold know something. Nothing from Barclays. The court said that the judge is keeping an eye on these cases and is going to look at these again on Thursday next week. Barclays haven't sent anything in yet. Court says all I can do is wait now. Any advice?
  5. Seems like a good idea to me! The courts want to free up court time that the banks are wasting. They told me that they are ending up with empty gaps in their time. They are getting pretty fed up with banks dragging these cases out like this, lets hope that things start to change now.
  6. Thanks for your help. I'll ring them and see what happening
  7. Who would you contact? Mr Ruffhead directly or their call centre?
  8. Just wanted to update you all,(or not!) If Barclays objected to their defnce being struck out by the judge, then they had until yesterday to come up with a list of all the cases they had defended in court etc. I rang the court this morning and they don't know anything. Basically they don't know if Barclays have sent anything in or not and they are swamped with work ! There is nothing on their system yet, but, they are a few days behind and it might not be showing on their system yet. I haven't heard anything from Barclays either, so I'm starting to go a little bit mad now! Do I just wait this out or contact Barclays directly? The court said they won't know anything for conclusive for a couple of days.
  9. Congratulations on your win. I had a similar experience with Lincoln judges and hopefully it should settle next week ! Enjoy spending your money !!
  10. Got my fingers crossed for you!!
  11. I think it's very unlikly to hear from Barclays until after the weekend, so I will contact the court on Tuesday morning to see whats happening !!
  12. Here is the letter I've recieved: The court before its own motion, is considering striking out the defence in this action as an abuse of process. The basis for this is the fact that the defendant is settleing all claims of this nature where claiments are seeking the reimbursments of banks charges, with no claims proceeding to a contested hearing. The court consideres that authourity of Mullen -v- Hackney London Bourough Council (1997) 2 A11ER 906 as relevent. If the defendant objects to the propsed skrikr out, it is ordered to file, by no later than 4.00pm on 15th January 2007, a shedule setting out all claims of this type in England and Wales which have proceeded to a final contested hearing, and the out come of such hearings, together wih a shedule of all such claims which has compromised befoer the final hearing after proceedings have been issued. Upon reciept of any such objections being filed in time, the defence herein will be struck out a judgement entered for the amount claimed by the claiment, together with the appropriate cost claimabel on the small claims track.
  13. What a morning I've had !! Had a letter from Lincoln County Court saying that they are threatening to strike out Barclays defence!
  14. Sent all documents off recorded to the Court and rpecial delivery to Barclays. I've sent it to Adrian Ruffhead. Fingers crossed now!
  15. Just a quick note to wish you luck. Follow the step by step guide and you'll be fine.
  16. If anyone could help me with the above two posts, it would be much appreciated as I have to send all this off this week ready for my court date on 8th Feb.
  17. With regards to my last question, the legal exectutive on the defence for is Adrian Ruffhead at level 29, 1 churchill place, London. Is this the correct person to send it too, or do I send it to the Leicester address?
  18. Good morning everyone! I'm sending my court papers off today and I need a bit of help to make sure I get it all right. I keep one copy, send one to the court, but who do I send the third copy to a Barclays? Do I need to include all of the pages in the court bundle? The OFT statement is based on credit card charges, should I include it as my case is for bank charges? Any help would be fantastic !!! x
  19. Hello everyone, it's been a while since I visited. I hope you all had a great Christmas and new year. I'm gonna need some help with the next stage. I've got my court date 8th Feb, and need to send all me documents in to court. I'm a bit baffled. Help?
  20. Got money for the second claim in my account now !!! Fantastic ! X BUT got my court date through for the first claim - blooming 8th Feb!! Been at this claim since JULY !!
  21. Just a quick thought about the above post, does anyone know roughly how long the money takes to reach the account. On the letter is says 'seven days from the reciept of letter', but is this the norm? This claim seemed a bit too easy, so I becomming a bit wary!!
  22. Just to let you all know that I have settled with Barclays today for the second claim that I started with Barclays recently. The second claim was a lot smaller that the first one that is still ongoing, but every penny counts this time of year, and this allows me to concentrate soley on my main claim, which with court cost and the rising intrest is now over £2000!! Thanks to this site for all your help, will be making a donation as soon as I get the money through !! XXXXXX
  23. 2nd Claim from Barclays - time up for reply from Barclays tomorrow. ('you will have a answer or update no later than 8th Nov') Will file on MCOL 9th Nov (14 days after LBA) Here's to round 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Thanks!!! Sent letter off this morning ! X
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