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Everything posted by fionast74

  1. Hi I need some help and advice. I browsed a website regarding childrens sats tests and to register i had to leave my home no. of course a few days later i received a call saying they have a special offer no obligation pack that I can have a look at and if its not for me I can send it back, all i had to do was pay a £9 deposit, which i did paying with my bank card. A few days later i never received any goods so i called the no. and all i got was a recorded message saying they were closed, when they shouldn't have been so i decided to email them. I received an auto generated reply saying they would be in touch within 2-3 days. Another few days pass and still nothing, i find another no. on there website and try this only to listen to awful music for 25mins so i decided to send 4 more emails (kind of peed off by now) i get the same reply and still nothing. So it was to my great shock that when I was checking my bank balance this evening I see they have taken a further £80 out of my account!!!!! I immediately call the bank, they cancel my card and start a fraud investigation. This has now taken me over my overdraft and will get a lovely £30 charge tomorrow. I have since checked out this website and they seeml egit but i just read there terms and conditions which states that if they don't receive there goods back within 7 days they automatically charge you full costs , the lovely sales lady omitted to tell me that one. Am I liable for this even though I have never received there goods, not signed for anthying and even paid a deposit???? please help i can't afford to lose this money. fiona
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