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Everything posted by razor8

  1. Hi, I am now just in the very early stages of doing my research into getting the stay lifted on my parents case on the grounds of financial hardship. Here's a quick summery of what has happened since the case was stayed last year: I had to get a mortgage to buy their house as they were about 1 week away from getting it repossed last September. The final hearing was set in the court after previously beeing stayed. I managed to buy the house for the majority of debt they had but couldn't get the full amount. So even though they got to stay in the house they still have the mortgage to pay each month as I couldn't afford that one and the bills on my home. My Dad then got made redundant from his job just before Christmas which meant my mum was the only earning any money for a month or so. They are both back in work again now but really struggling, which I can only see getting worse when Mum's temporary job runs out in about a month. This is starting to seriously worry her and is causing her to get really nervous, panicky and very forgetful. On top of all this they still have some debts that can only be cleared if their bank charges are returned to them. Given the above does anyone think this is the type of stuff that I should include when applying to get the stay lifted? Thanks for reading.
  2. Hi, What happened with your case monkeymax? I am just in the process of starting the process to remove the stay on grounds of hardship for my parents and was interested in the outcome of yours.
  3. Ha ha Have to say that hadn't occurred to me, but know you have said it. It really is the last place you would want to give your address out. Foolish Girl - She did end up buying the jewellery as it was for a leaving present and needed the reciept incase she didn't like it. The shop ended up getting her work's postcode so I imagine they will now be getting some junk mail. I think like the majority it really annoys me that everywhere you go shops are always wanting your address and personal details. I just flat refuse now or make stuff up, really depends on whether I can be bothered arguing the point that day. Interesting that shops must give a VAT reciept though, as ncf355 says I wonder how they would react if I said I was going to phone Customs and Excise up. Thanks for all your replies.
  4. Hi, Had a search round the forums for a while now and can't see anything so I am going to start this thread. Recently my girlfriend went to purchase an item of jewellery as a present for a work colleague and was asked for her postcode when she was paying for the item. When she asked why they said that she wouldn't get a receipt if she didn't. Now is this correct? or as I suspect they just want her address to sell or send junk mail to. As a side note be careful if you give your number to Nationwide Auto Centre when you get your car serviced. I must have had about 50 calls from 01189719700 which is a company called Warranty Direct who Nationwide sell your details to. Cheers
  5. Was just over on "the Reg" and there is now a link to a petition. Will post on the other Phorm forum so that noone misses it. Can the forums be merged please? Petition to: Stop ISP's from breaching customers privacy via advertising technologies.
  6. Was just over on "the Reg" and there is now a link to a petition. Will post on the other Phorm forum so that noone misses it. Can the forums be merged please? Petition to: Stop ISP's from breaching customers privacy via advertising technologies.
  7. Kabar, You beat me to it, was going to highlight the Register's story too. Anyway, not sure where we stand. I have drafted a letter to send to Talk Talk complaining about this invasion of privacy. I think this is a very scary turn of events. If any Law Enforcement agency wanted this sort of information I'm sure that it would be alot harder for them to get than this. Will be writing to the Information Commissioner in a fortnight as I guess I will get a bog standard reply from the fabulous customer relations department at Talk Talk.
  8. Cheers people. Only Barclays Mastercard to go after now. Still doing the parents, its ALOT.. Anyway onwards and upwards
  9. could a mod please amend the title to show that I won please. Have tried to contact a mod but the ones i try are unable to accept PM's as the mailbox's are full Cheers
  10. That's it, the end. Claim settled in full, can't believe it's finally over. They held out until the very last minute. Was due in court the start of next week. Have spoken to the court and they said a letter stating that the case is settled is ok ( which is good as i have just sent it recorded delivery) and that I don't need to send a N279. Just need to get a letter off to Barclays to. Oh and start on the wasted costs. Thank you everyone that has helped and CAG for all the great templates and advice. Barclaycard and Mastercard next.
  11. Almost there. Letter arrived for the full amount of my claim. Have accepted and sent it back, with the confidentiality clause crossed out. Just waiting for the money now. Not counting my chickens yet until the money is sat in my account though. The court date is still on though until I get my money.
  12. been looking around the site and its not clear to me. All the advice says mention the interest but not which type of interest. Is it the S69 interest or the contractual interest? Or both? I thought the actual claim total ie the figures in the right hand column would be just the charges and in the POC you mention the S69 interest.
  13. Was half way through doing an email to that effect but then stopped as wasn't sure if I had messed up. Should I have put the interest at the time in as well then in the claimed for amount? did wonder that at the time..
  14. Court bundle sent last week. Thanks for T&C's - Saintly_1 I have received an email from the Litigation dept saying that a letter offering to settle has been sent this morning. Court date is early next week. The offer is only for the actual charges and court fee, no interest as per S69 County Court Act 1984. However i don't know if I have made a mistake now with the initial claim. In the amount claimed box I only entered the total amount of actual charges and didn't add the interest at that point to it. Did mention in the details section that I was claiming the interest though and sent a schedule of charges with the interest. Did I mess the claim amount up??
  15. Good news, I hope. Have just spoken to a gentleman at Barclays Bank Litigation Dept and he said that I should receive a letter of settlement for the whole of my claim this week or next.
  16. still no call back from Barclays, will try them again after lunch got to go out at the moment.
  17. I am writing the letter for my parents now, would be grateful if some one would give it a quick once over. Account No: ***** Sort Code: ***** Dear Sir/ Madam, I accept this payment of £750 as full and final payment with regards to my claim for £617.50 relating to my Gold Account. If we do not here from you within 14 days I will presume that this matter is now closed. Yours Sincerley
  18. Have just followed your advice dar£n and phoned Barclays. God its nerve racking, no one answered and it went straight to voicemail. Hope I didn't sound like to much of a muppet - hate answer phones. Left my contact details, claim number and asked for the name of the person who is dealing with my claim and whether they intend to still take it to court. Hopefully I will here something later today.
  19. Thanks Saintly, had a read of the thread suggested. Have copied a bit from post 186 http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclays-bank/77430-caz-barclays-woolwich.html about sending an email. Have decided to do this, a copy of which is below. Any suggestions on the content and or right's or wrongs of doing this would be great. Claim Number is in the subject line.. Good Morning, I would be grateful if you could supply contact details of the person who is dealing with my Small Claims Case against Barclays Bank Plc. The claim is due to be heard at 1000hrs on the 19 June 2007 at Birkenhead County Court by DISTRICT JUDGE ****** and although Barclays dispute my legal analysis, I still feel the charges levied to my account amount to penalty clauses and are unfair. However I also feel that the amount being claimed is relatively modest and it is not cost effective for either party to take the matter to trial. Therefore, in order to avoid the inevitable time and cost associated with pursuing the claim to trial I am prepared to settle my claim out of court upon payment of the charges applied to my account together with statutory interest and costs involved, totalling £838.19 as of 25 May 2007. Yours Sincerely Mr ********
  20. Cheers, Thats what I was thinking too.
  21. 27 days to go until court.....
  22. hiya there, My parents have just had £750 put into one of the accounts they are claiming a refund of charges back on. this happenned a couple of days after getting a letter saying that they were offering this as full and final settlement. However Lloyds didn't say on the letter which account this sum refered to. The account that they have put the money in the total amount of charges is about £690 and the other account is about £4000. They have tried phoning the Lloyds phone number supplied on the letter but it always goes to voicemail. Which says that the voicemail box is full and they cant leave a message. My question is does the money relate to the account it has gone into or for both accounts? I am thinking that they should send a letter accepting it in full and final payments for the account which they are claiming £690 back. Then proceed as normal with the £4000 claim. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
  23. Thanks animaleyes76, had a feeling it was just going to be a case of being patient.
  24. Thank's for changing the title Bookworm. I have read lots of threads now about barclays settling about two weeks before the court date. With this being the case has anyone contacted them before this and they have settled? June seems so far away and wondered if I should give them a nudge and remind them that the interest is rising by the day.
  25. Helped the folks out yesterday and compiled their schedule of charges.. Its a lot, almost £4000. Lloyds have a cheek, for a returned direct debit of £4 they charge £35. The prelim letter and schedule of charges has now been fired off today recorded delivery. Fourteen days and counting..
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