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  1. Hello everyone, I am currently in the process of claiming back from SHAbbey Nat, but today completely randomly I opened a book from the shelf and out fell a bank statement dated 2002 from our joint account at First Direct. This account has been closed for a couple of years. Well this is a good omen I thought and here I am..... First problem, I have looked on the "informationcommission" site and I can't find out who to write to, as there is nothing under FD. So can someone give me the address please for the Data Protection application, and while I am at it the Head Office address as well. Many Many Thanks, "Oh I am so happy" Regards. Juney
  2. Am I shooting myself in the foot if I send them the following:....... I write with regard to my current account, detailed as above, and your intention to unlawfully remove £80 in charges on 10th August. I would like to point out to you, as you are clearly unaware of the details, that to do so would be unlawful by Common Law, Statute and recent consumer regulations. On 5th April, 2006 the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) announced that default charges which are set at your high levels are presumed to be unfair and unenforceable in terms of the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 (SI. 199/2083). Charges at this level will be subject to legal action by the OFT. As you are aware I am currently in the process of gathering all related information on charges levied against my account in the past and I am in the preliminary stages of claiming these unfair and unlawful charges back. I ask that these new charges not be taken, as if taken will simply be added to my claim, which I will pursue. If you insist that the charges as stated in the terms and conditions are lawful then will you please demonstrate this by letting me have a full breakdown of the costs to which you have been put by as a result of my breaches, in order to reassure me that your penalties really do reflect your costs? I do hope that as a Customer Service department you decide that it would be kinder to myself not to cause me further hardship by taking my money.
  3. Dear Alan, I am so glad to hear you say that. I have read with interest your help to others in this forum and I thank you very sincerely for helping me. Regards, June
  4. Hello everyone, I'm at the early stages as I haven't had all my statements back yet, but....... If the ruling is that anything over £12 is unlawful does that mean that when my statement says 'charges £30' that I can reclaim £18 back. Is that right or not? If the statement says £30 - how much do I reclaim? My statement say 'interest £--.-- and also charges £--.--, do I calculate both of these? Sorry, I am on information overload at the moment and a need a bit of help. Many thanks... Juney:D
  5. Thanks Milamber, I have been trawling through Spiceskull all afternoon. Enough to frighten the life out of anyone but a good result. I will try to find the right page.
  6. Thank you for your replies. I will send that off today. Fingers crossed.
  7. Hello everyone. I am following the procedures to reclaim my bank charges, which with the Abbey you know will take a while, (they are still stalling about microfiche). In the meantime they are planning to take £80 off me in charges now. :o I want the wording for a letter I need now to stop the current charges. :o HELP ME. HELP ME...... Thanks......
  8. Thanks for replying. I have just requested the spreadsheet. I'm so glad there's someone out there to help me. Thank you.
  9. Hello, I have no overdraft facility with Abbey. They charge me £20 for being overdrawn and £30 for each transaction if a cheque was honored. This month it is £80 charges. Do I claim the whole £80 or do I deduct a 'legimate cost' from this. When I get to calculate the earlier statements, I did have a facility with those so is that a different rate. Sorry I'm a bit slow, having a 'senior moment'. Regards.
  10. I received an exact replica of this one today.
  11. Hello to everyone I'm new:lol: . I am trying to follow the help and advice given to reclaim my bank charges. I admit I have a terrible finance history. Following the collapse of my life/marriage and the loss of my business, husband, home and everything I own, I became very ill with depression and sickness. I am currently on benefits and struggle very much, daily, to live alone in a tiny basic flat and to try to pay a little each month to the creditors who have traced me, but I have to say that although I don't currently deal with pressure/decisions very well at the moment I am determined to try to push on and reclaim what the banks forced from me. I have a couple of queries, mostly because I don't know the right wording to use. Firstly, Abbey are currently about to claim £80 charges from me this month as 1. I went overdrawn (they withdrew my overdraft facility, so I have no agreement) 2. two cheques were cleared one day before the money went in, so I was overdrawn £12 by one day. I did write and explain that it would cause me hardship if they did this and that it was within their power not to, but she actually said that they had already let me off some of the charges once this year and could not do it again. so my first question is "is there a letter written somewhere that I can copy, with the legal details in, telling them that it is against the law for them to take the money and they must not take so much." I know that when it finally sorted out that I can reclaim it, I am just trying to lessen the hardship now. Secondly, I sent the first letter asking for copies/details of the charges. They sent me the microfiche excuse, so I sent them the second letter saying 14 days left or off to court, and now they have written saying "microfiche are not covered by the D.P.Act and will be sent in due course". Does this mean that now I have no option but to follow the non-compliance procedure letters, or have I missed a stage. For the first time in a couple of years I am trying to get back a bit of strength and self respect, so I hope that someone out there can help me. (I have already read loads of the stuff written on the site, but I have a bit of a memory problem at the moment and I can't consistantly retain all the facts.) but If someone can point me the right way I will go looking again. I am so glad to have met you. Regards..
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