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  1. I had a read through NP and was thinking is this going to be a bit more hassle than I really need... I took out a Cetelem loan in 2001 to pay off a Halifax credit card, I went to my HFX branch to take a loan out but due to my circumstance this was not possible so I was palmed off onto CTLM.... Now because its that long ago I dont have any paperwork so im not really sure if I paid PPI, im 90% sure I will have as back then I was 21, naive and would not have been aware of getting fleeced by someone I could trust. I have rang a number which is HFX Customer Relations and they are sending out 2002/3 bank statements then I am at sometime going to trawl through paperwork I have kept, sadly never organised and see what I can find. Then its a letter to CTLM asking for a copy of my agreement that I signed in branch ( I think ) and take it from there. So as you can see its hassle already and im not really sure if I can be bothered, but as you can imagine even thinking that I may have had my pants pulled up over my head really gets me pee'd ! Regards Craig Sorry if thats all ramble I am still half asleep !.....I was rudely woken by my partner at 545am saying shes running late and could I scrape the ice off her car.... duly I did it.
  2. Hello I am just in the process of tracking Cetelem down myself, not with much success so far...... I wondered NP did you manage to complete this claim or did you keeping hitting a dead end ? Regards Craig.
  3. I thought as much, thanks for your replies guys !
  4. Me and my partner were due to go to Marmaris Turkey on 11th Sept ( Of all days I was cursed ) anyway subsequently there has been a spate of bombings in Turkey and my girlfriend didnt feel 100% safe. We contacted our travel company Going Places ( Manos Holiday ) and told them, they said there is nothing they can do. I rang Manos and told them, they told me either go or face losing 75% of our money ( granted it is in the contract ). They wouldnt even let me change our destination and pay admin fee's untill I put up a battle and they agreed I could go to Zante ONLY and one hotel ONLY. This was due to fly on the 14th and I couldnt make this due to work. So I was stuck either convince her to go or lose my money, we ended up choosing the lata of the 2 options and lost £560. Now if the foreign office gave a hoot we would have got a refund, but as they did not rule it unsafe I didnt have a leg to stand on. We have rebooked another holiday to corfu and paid an extra £520 on top of the measly £160 ish they refunded me (25%). Where do i stand on this matter ? Where do I stand if they resold our holiday as a late booking ??? Any help greatly accepted.
  5. Me and my partner were due to go to Marmaris Turkey on 11th Sept ( Of all days I was cursed ) anyway subsequently there has been a spate of bombings in Turkey and my girlfriend didnt feel 100% safe. We contacted our travel company Going Places ( Manos Holiday ) and told them, they said there is nothing they can do. I rang Manos and told them, they told me either go or face losing 75% of our money ( granted it is in the contract ). They wouldnt even let me change our destination and pay admin fee's untill I put up a battle and they agreed I could go to Zante ONLY and one hotel ONLY. This was due to fly on the 14th and I couldnt make this due to work. So I was stuck either convince her to go or lose my money, we ended up choosing the lata of the 2 options and lost £560. Now if the foreign office gave a hoot we would have got a refund, but as they did not rule it unsafe I didnt have a leg to stand on. We have rebooked another holiday to corfu and paid an extra £520 on top of the measly £160 ish they refunded me (25%). Where do i stand on this matter ? Where do I stand if they resold our holiday as a late booking ??? Any help greatly accepted.
  6. Not a thing in 3yrs nearly, i set up the standing order, they accepted it, then took one payment and never took anymore or chased me for that matter. Im only claiming back to april 2004, as not to bring this to their attention, the matter happened aug-dec 2003. Sending request for refund tomorrow, £600 On my bank account, £582.50 on the credit card.......
  7. I am making a claim against the halifax with some hesitation, heres my reason. In august 2003 they banked a chq twice into my account, i did notice but decided not to say, anyway i spent £4000 of this overpayment, i was called to the bank and they set up a standing order to pay this back @ £80 pcm, nearly 3yrs down the line they still have only taken one payment from me and the standing order according to my online banking isnt active, how do i stand on this, and my claim against them......... any feedback on this matter appreciated.
  8. Hello, im still relatively new to this, and I am currently chasing the halifax for my charges....... My question is, can we claim against the store card companies i.e. GE Capital, I missed a few payments last year and would like to know if I can reclaim my charges from them also. It doesnt amount to much but every £ add's up. Many thanks for any help.
  9. RE : Tinkerbelles last comment....... I sent the start letter with both the account numbers on, the halifax replied with a letter I quote " Completion Of Request For a List Of Transactions and Charges for, D/155***** & 4541093********** etc..... they confirm the copies of duplicate statements are on order, im just awaiting the credit card copies now......... Question, do I pay £10 per account, or just £10 to cover all, unless i bank with two banks therefore I would pay £10 to each ? correct ? To clarify my over balance by 18p, I phoned the halifax last night to give them a beasting as I had ammo against them........ The £5 transaction I paid out was paid on the 31st July at 4pm, when I had cleared funds for this, in the meantime they took 80p interest from my account which therefore took me overdrawn. The £5 eventually cleared on the 1st August after that 80p interest was taken. So the letter stating they were charging me £30 for a £5 failed transaction wasnt the case & I won that £30 back from them, even though on my first call they refused as I had a goodwill within the last 6mths..... They can be beaten !!! by us all. !
  10. Fantastic that clarifys that then, just await the credit card statements from the Halifax then jobs a good un all being well..... Back soon I hope to update.
  11. PREVIOUS NOTES FROM MY WELCOME THREAD, here on are new posts that I require assistance with... One other question regarding a standard letter received July 27th.. I quote " With regard to your request for information relating to manual intervention on your account, HBOS plc is under no statutory obligation to record this information and therefore, I am unable to assist further with your request ". They refer me with, " details of how we use your data can be found on the internet...." with reference to their website, RBOS website or the www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk ........ What does this mean, and are they basically refusing to provide me with notes relating to my account, or additions they have added to the credit register ? Hope someone can clarify this for me Many thanks, Craig.
  12. RE : Yes they are, because there wasn't any manual intervention on your account, but they won't clarify this because it will prove your point that their charges do not reflect their costs :grin: So if they wont clarify this to prove my point regarding costs incurred, will this hinder my progress for my claim or, should I continue as normal, with the claim letter then LBA or get the credit report to show otherwise.... PS started a new thread in Halifax, and I also appreciate your help with my questions.
  13. Situation With Halifax ( New Member ) Hello all, thanks for your help so far with the librairy section. I am in day 20 now from my original letter to the halifax claiming back charges on my bank account totalling £600, i have received the statements ( 30 in seperate envelopes the silly sods ) and so forth and I am still awaiting my credit card statements to complete the claim and make a request for an amount. I have just received tonight another £30 charge ( on another account ) for going 18p over my overdraft limit, the girl on the phone would not refund this charge ( low and behold ) as I had a goodwill refund in July 2005.... Now my question is, if its goodwill and they said they will not refund again does this include the claim I am making against them, OR, do I still have the divine right to get my £600+ back, the impression I am getting is NO... Is she right ? Any advice is much appreciated, keep up the good work. Mumofthreeboys Gold Account Customer Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: Flippin Boilin', Kent Re: Situation With Halifax ( New Member ) No, she's wrong and you CAN claim back the rest of your unfair charges Just carry on with your claim as you have been Re: Situation With Halifax ( New Member ) Thank you so much for your prompt reply, I have pursued the statements from Halifax credit card and advised them when the 40 days end........... GOOOOOD I was fuuuuuming with that woman before over 18p, no wonder why we as consumers are fighting in unison over these charges... Last edited by craiguk25 : Today at 18:50.
  14. Nope not yet, but I will One other question regarding a standard letter received July 27th.. I quote " With regard to your request for information relating to manual intervention on your account, HBOS plc is under no statutory obligation to record this information and therefore, I am unable to assist further with your request ". They refer me with, " details of how we use your data can be found on the internet...." with reference to their website, RBOS website or the www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk ........ What does this mean, and are they basically refusing to provide me with notes relating to my account, or additions they have added to the credit register ? Hope someone can clarify this for me Many thanks, Craig.
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