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  1. My advice is to keep plugging away at them. My husband is having the same issue over an Egg Loan. We have been sending letters to both Egg and CSL, identical each time, with token payments by cheque, which Egg have been cashing (and which they have not been telling CSL about!!). They have now accepted our payment offer, to be reviewed in 6 months. So keep paying token payments, send them both the letters and eventually they will accept your situation, if only for a few months, to give you some breathing space.
  2. Hi all Well, its been a while since I posted due to work pressures and a holiday in France. The moneyclaim went through fine and was showing as acknowledged 15th August on all three claims. We then went to France to see my dad on the 19th. Was difficult to check account as he only has dial up and goes online once a day only. However, one account had two deposits (refund as one and interest/court costs as second) on the 23rd August and the other two accounts had two deposits each (refund and court costs) on the 24th August but no interest paid yet. Received standard letter stating to expensive to defend so refunding blah blah blah and as settled would I write to the court stating that. That I will do with the one settled completely but need to chase interest on other two before I even think of doing it. I still can't quite believe they have paid, I had convinced myself they would take it to court!! For all you guys hesitating and procrastinating about starting this process, I say go for it. I was full prepared to go to court and you have to be to, but it is definitely worth it in the end. They are taking our money and we are owed it back. Hesitate no longer - write that letter today. Off to complete survey and make a donation. Gini
  3. Well their time was up yesterday, following the LBA letters. We did not even receive "standard" letters for 2 of the accounts!!! Money claim online completed this evening for all three accounts, so the waiting starts again. For anyone thinking of starting this process, read and re-read everything before you start and then go get your money back. Everyone on this site is fantastic - thank you all of those who have gone before.
  4. All LBA letters sent 27th July so they have til this thursday! Quick question, and I truly apologise if this has been covered elsewhere, I have looked. I have incurred more charges since writing the letters. Do I have to start a new claim or does anyone know if I can add them at the Moneyclaim stage? Any help gratefully received.
  5. Well have received standard letters "they are looking into my complaint and will have an answer within 4 weeks". I have read through other postings and it seems I just keep on with deadline I have set regardless. Please let me know if I am wrong. Many thanks Gini Reading all the postings gives me courage to keep on with this, although court action sounds very scary. You are all amazing people.
  6. Well after reading and re-reading all the information to make sure I did not miss any steps, I have finally sent our prelim letters. We only starter incurring charges two years ago, when we decided to start our own business. (Having no guaranteed income is really not good for your bank balance!!!) Luckily, being the hoarder I am, we had all our bank statements for the past two years, so I did not have to go through the pain of getting all the charge details, I just went through our statements and entered them all onto an excel spreadsheet. I posted them recorded delivery on Friday 14th July, so they should have received them by now. (The post office guy asked if I was having a problem with Halifax and when I said yes, he said "go get em girl, I took them to the cleaners a while ago!!") The royal mail site should be updated tomorrow with confirmation of date received. I sent three separate - one for my account, one for hubby's and one for our joint - now are you ready for these figures (bearing in mind this is only 2 years worth!) - Mine - £2,910 Hubby's - £1,973 Joint - £1,866 I knew it was quite a lot, but the actual totals took my breath away. Will have to wait and see which of the, obviously many, standard replies I will receive first. Will keep you updated on progress. Gini
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