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  1. yes i will do nic but it will be tomorrow
  2. Hi, Sorry but was just reading some other threads and thought that I had cocked it up totally. Nothing particular had me concerned i guess i just got the jitters. Copy and pasted the PoC from here so i think and you say hagen it should be suitable. One quick question if I may, when my allocation questionnaire arrives I have to send it back fully completed with all my court bundle. Do i have to send 3 copies of everything at this stage? Your help is much appreciated guys and girls JV
  3. Hi, Could do with some advice on the above if anyone would be kind enough as im really starting to panic Thnx JV
  4. Hi I have recently rec'd a 14 pooint defence from the court that Lloyds have release. I have been out of the country for a while and have just been reading some threads. I have use the following particulars of claim and now dont think that it is correct. 1. The Claimant has an account ****** ****** with the Defendant, opened March 2001 2. Since 24/04/2001 the Defendant debited charges and interest in respect of purported breaches of contract. 3. Defendant is aware of all details as a list of charges has already been supplied. Another copy will be sent. 4. Claimant contends: (a) The charges exceed the Defendant's losses caused by the breaches; (b) The Term permitting the Defendant to levy such charges is unenforceable under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and at Common Law. 5. Claimant claims: (a) return of the amounts debited of £***; (b) Interest per S.69 County Courts Act 1984 of 8% - £*** continuing at 8% until judgment or settlement at a daily rate of £0.37; 6. Alternatively, if the charges are a fee for a service, then they must be reasonable under S.15 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982. 7. Costs allowed by the Court. Please could anyone tell me if this is the correct one and if not what do I have to do to amend? A bit scared now with the recent developements with the Lloyds Win. Thanks JV
  5. yeah I know but i love to see them try....he he.....im so excited JV
  6. hi, Lloyds finally acknowledged my claim which is a relief as i did not like the idea of a judgement by default. Now i just have to sit back and await their pittyfull denfence. I cant wait to see how they justify the charges. JV
  7. Thnx for that, I have already read through that link and still dont really understand...... I i apply for the judgement and warrant......will lloyds almost certainly apply for a stay and if so do i have to do anything or is this just giving them more time? Jv
  8. Hi all, got statements back and sent my prelim and lba off......had the usual sod off reply to prelim but nothing back from lba....even though it was addressed to the sender......anyway.... issued mcol and the expriy before I win by default is the 18th April....Lloyds have not acknol, filed defense or even contacted me....im just getting a bit worried that if i win by default what I should do next....i have read threads sayin either send lloyds a letter or issue a warrant.....and im really confused can anyone give me a little advise based on the following: If I issue a warrant lloyds can apply for a stay (correct?) If they do what do i do then and how do i get them to pay my charges back Im sorry but im really really confused Thnx JV
  9. Hi Norman Good luck with it mate keep the pressure on them and they will fold eventually and dont let them intimidate you into forgetting the whole thing. I will keep an eye on your thread but best of luck
  10. LBA prepared and sent off to branch and glasgow today so the clock is ticking now before i issue the money claim. Already prepared money claim details with particulars of claim Thanks to TC. just saved and waiting for the deadline to expire. Will keep u all posted but a special thanks again to Trundlecat
  11. Hi, LBA prepared and sent to nationwide via special delivery royalmail.com confirms it has been delivered so the clock is ticking. Started to fill out the money claim and saved in preparation and to keep to the tight deadlines. Look forward to seeing what the defence they will put up. Will keep eveyone posted
  12. That was really useful TC thanks again mate......when this is all over think i will have to buy you a pint or two Thanks again
  13. hi, Just to let you all know still not received a reply from my prelim letter and they only have 2 days before the deadline expires. Is it common to not receive a response at all to the prelim letter, has anyone else experienced this. your comments would be much appreciated. thanks again
  14. Thanks for that TC I appreciate your speedy reply, think I will wait until the deadline has expired. I have been reading some other threads and I cant believe what they are trying to use as a scare tactic. I wonder how much they paid the legal person to come up with that paragraph lol. The thing that really scares me is filling out the details of claim section on the money claim and the wording to use again if you have any advice or pointers to a particular thread i would much appreciate it. Thanks again mate
  15. Hi all, Just a quick update.....got a response to my prelim which is the normal blah blah blah terms and conditions "go away" polony although they have got another 2 days before the time deadline is over. Question should I wait until the deadline has expired or am I ok to send the lba today? I know there are lots of views on this but just looking for some guidance. In addition to this am i correct in thinking that you can claim back the daily unauthorised overdraft charge got quite a few of those. Also in the final paragraph on the reply it says: "Please note that should you proceed straight to court action against the bank in respect of this matter, the bank reserves the right to lodge a counterclaim against you for damages suffered as a result of the breach by you of your contract with the bank." The letter is from and signed by Hilary McGuinness in customer relations. Is the above a standard paragraph...I have been following several cases with interest caro, trundel and rachel to name a few. Your views would be much appreciated as always. Thanks
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