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Everything posted by Goldlady

  1. Well hopefully they will find nothing! Fingers crossed for you.
  2. I see what you mean, but if the insurance was worthless, which it clearly is, then what did she pay it for? She is paying £11 a week and yes she does have the OSC. Have just asked the question. No contents insurance
  3. I remember reading that too - about section 4. Hopefully the person involved is subscribed to this thread. If I find it I will post a link for you.
  4. OK, so she has 25 weeks left to pay on this agreement at approx £6 a week. Seems to me she would be better off just paying that and forgetting claiming on the insurance. Can we get the insurance paid to date refunded and not pay any further insurance? What a rip off:mad:
  5. I will have to find out if she paid the OSC as it is not clear from the agreement. Thanks guys.
  6. Cheers for that Lefty. I am sure she will be delighted:mad: So, what happens if she doesn't pay the £100? Seeing as she is a typical BH customer who lives from hand to mouth and doesn't have much money, I can't see how she will be able to afford it.
  7. Hi, a new question which I hope you can help with. My friend got a laptop from BH for her son and has been paying for it since Sept 07. She also took out the DLC and has been paying that too. Son had laptop stolen from him when his backpack was snatched. BH have now told her she has to pay the £100 excess before they will put a claim into their insurance company. She has a crime number and all that jazz, but what she doesn't have is £100. I have read through the t&cs and I can't see anywhere that says she has to pay this excess up front. After all she has paid them well more than £100 (£6.30 a week since Sept 07) so I can't see why she needs to find this money before they will put the claim through. Help!
  8. Yes, we do, and my vote is to return all my Halifax charges and all of OH's LTSB charges without futher p*ssing about:D
  9. Errrrr, don't want to sound like the angel of doom but don't LTSB own the Halifax now? Under the watchful eye of Gordon Brown albeit. Just a thought...............
  10. After what you have learned on here surely you cannot possibly want to apply for a credit card ever again?
  11. I have four failed claims and will try to remember to send you the information. If I forget - lots going on - then send me a PM and I will let you have the details.
  12. Oh yes - that is news I will be happy to hear. Let us all bless the Rankines for their contribution to our crusade:eek:
  13. Same situation for me, and more than one have been passed onto ever lower DCAs in the pecking order. I have completely ignored them and, apart from the occasional missed phone call, nothing more has happened. It is not really closure, but it is near enough for me;)
  14. I had one last week (JB debt recovery) who questioned my responsibilities as a parent by refusing to pay an unenforceable debt:confused:. Whatever they try it isn't going to work. Ridiculous amounts of interest; paying £200 a month to see £195 of interest added on - and no agreement to confirm they can charge this interest in the first place! I think feeding my kids has priority over paying them a penny;)
  15. Patrick, what is happening now with this one?
  16. Well we defeated them in court after they issued proceedings. The PPI plus interest meant that we still owed them a few hundred but they backed off and we have heard nothing for a long time. I would have been happy to pay them the amount we genuinely owed but because they did not follow the civil procedure rules their claim failed and we have heard nothing more:p
  17. We had PPI with GE for a card, not that we asked for it but OH had signed the box without realising. Tried to claim when our company went bust but as you said earlier we are never going to sign on so the insurance would not pay up. So whilst it may cover you being self employed or a company director, the only way you would get anything would be to sign on the dole.
  18. So, from looking at Paul's letter there is about £500 still outstanding if you deduct the mis-sold PPI. Without reading the whole thread, if it was me I would make payments until the £500 is cleared and then tell them to put up or shut up. Is this a secured loan?
  19. Well the trouble is these DCAs have not seen a proper signature for a while as none of us will give them ours. So they haven't got anything to copy from:D
  20. Sounds marvellous - I do hope they comply. They must be sick to death of us consumers - after all we were only their bread and butter, or was that caviare and champers:eek:
  21. How much is still outstanding? ie What do you stand to be taken to court for if you do stop making payments?
  22. Roger, it is hard to tell from the scan, but is there any chance that the font for the first column is different from the other two? Or that they are slightly out of alignment? I only ask as I have seen a couple of MBNA 'agreements' in the last couple of days that are a bit 'suspect'.
  23. I would agree that it has been reconstructed - or if it hasn't they have never managed to get a signed agreement from you, which is just as good.
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