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Everything posted by rotaryboy

  1. cheers, that has set my mind at rest
  2. HHHEEEEELLLLLPPPPPPP! Sorry I've been a bit quiet of late but update time: so far: SAR done 1st Letter requesting payment Done 2nd Letter requesting payment Done MCOL - circa £5200 claimed + interest and costs 1/2/07 (circa £6200) total Done Receipt registered 8/2/07 Done Defence lodged 26/2/07 transferred to local court OK here is the confusion: The defence is based on the fact that there is no supporting evidence, which I was unable to provide using moneyclaim (and was waiting to be asked for it) so now they are wanting me to supply the supporting evidence (all of which is in my desk in the office - statements and the full spreadsheets, etc) fine, I can take that to my local court, but because the claim is over £1500 and has been transferred to my local court I am now required to pay an additional £100 in charges - yes, I'll claim that back too, but it delays the process and I'm not sure if I have done something wrong? does this sound right?
  3. Well I got a response over the weekend: Dear ####### Thank you for getting in touch with us. I am sorry you are unhappy over your account charges. Like any business, we do make a charge for some of our extra services. When a customer doesn't have enough in their account to cover payment, this always means additional work. We must either make the payment for you via na overdraft or send the payment request back. Either way, it has to happen speedily. We feel it is only fair to charge for the extra work involved. Of course it is only fair, too, that we're completely open about any charged-for services before you take them up. blah blah blah now this bit is new: You've mentioned the new guidelines from the Office of Fair Trading on credit card default charges. We don't agree with the OFT's thinking on this and we're still talking it through with them. But the important point is that the guidelines only concern 'default' charges. The fees we charge for going over an overdraft limit for returned payment are not any kind of default penalty. They are fixed standard prices for the service we provide in these situations. So according to our legal experts, the OFT's guidelines on credit card default charges do not in any way apply. I do hope you can see that we make our charging system as fair as possible - and why I cannot agree to cancel your charges. blah blah blah Now I can't see the difference between an unfair penalty charge and an excessive "service" charge, but what is the legal standpoint on this?
  4. No I did it manually! slight mistake methinks, I'll be doing the spreadsheet then! thanks
  5. It would appear that my original first request for payment letter has a figure that I can't now re-create! I sent copies of all the statements and charge notifications and the total figure is now £152 less than on the original letter having put it all on a word doc. It is now time to send the LBA but if I change the ammount I'm requesting will that affect the validty of the claim?
  6. cheers for that, makes life easier!
  7. Not sure what to do here, I don't really want to go for two seperate claims and the hassle and cost involved, but I need to do it right. Anyone have any idea if I should bundle the calims into 2 or keep them seperate?
  8. I understand the approach on business accounts is slightly different. I have two Lloyds TSB business accounts (both T/A accounts) owing a total of £1170, thing is although they are in my name (trading as xxxx) they are for two different T/A businesses with the same branch, should I make the claim seperatly for each case, or can I combine them as I am the account holder in each case?
  9. Right: here goes got the stuff back yesterday looks like from my three accounts (2 business and one personal) charges come to £6492.50 over the past 6 years this is excluding OD usage fee (which I read somewhere I can also claim back is this correct?) or interest which I really can't even begin to start calculating!
  10. OK so it's been nearly a month now with no response, I'm guessing Lloyds will leave it til the last day before replying to the S.A.R.
  11. thanks - one battle one, but not the war yet!
  12. Well last week I filed my SAR 7/9/06 to be precise So the battle commences! I have 1 personal account and two business accounts with Lloyds (all three have been passed to their debt mgmnt teams - both business accounts purely because of charges) all are dormant but not closed.
  13. Checked account this morning and the full payment of £480 is in the account! TOP JOB PEOPLE! Thanks for the help so far, now on to LloydsTSB!
  14. OK so I got my court costs and interest paid back on Friday afternoon, letter arrived stating I would receive the full charges back! Waiting for the £480 to hit my account now! fingers x'd but I think it's all done!
  15. thanks, I'll give it some thought and see what the figures come out at one I've been through the statements I guess
  16. I have read up in the FAQs and see that it is possible to do so, I am preparing my action against LloydsTSB currently, however I suspect that the claim should go back more than 6 years. Has anyone sucessfully claimed back deyond the 6 year statute?
  17. I still haven't received my acknowledgement through When I spoke to the court on Monday they told me the paperwork had been served on Thurs 17/8 and I should have a copy, still nothing and no improvemnt on my paultry account ballance
  18. Bit of an update: Spoke to county court yesterday, papers were served on 17/8/06 (or last Thursday for those of you without a calender handy), so Natiowide have 14 days from then deadline 31/8/06 then.......
  19. cheers, I'll do that on monday as I don't have the receipt in the office! battle continues
  20. Sorry, haven't been on for a few days! If you go into the full statement page online, you can select the type of transaction (including charges applied) and see all the charges incurred for a given period. You can only go back 15 months online if memory serves, but it is a good starting point.
  21. Out of interest, how long should I expect to wait for an acknowledgement of the moneyclaim? I have heard nothing and it is a week sine I filed the paperwork at my local county court.
  22. Will do! Cheers for all the help so far, LloydsTSB next! That one will be big I suspect as I remember about 4 or 5 years ago being charged over £600 in one month! I am just mentally preparing myself fo that one as I hear they are getting a bit awkward!
  23. Well after arguing with the moneyclaim website for the whole of Thursday, I finally worked out that you can't pay online with an Electron card! So I lodged my moneyclaim the old fashioned way in triplicate at the county court on Friday! Here we go!
  24. Well looking at when I sent the 2nd letter, Moneyclaim should be done today, I'll get on to that after lunch. You never know, I could have some extra cash by the end of the month! I'm about to start my battle with Lloyds too!
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