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Everything posted by Scaredtodeath77

  1. 100% wake up call. I would rather starve than face the humiliation and shame of being in that room again - I guess that’s the point of the process and why they treat you that way. probably wouldn’t impact career criminals but it has “scared me straight” I am a worrier hence why I immediately posted asking for help (this all happened yesterday evening). My biggest concern is what happens next ? I know you both say nothing but that seems too good to be true
  2. Thanks for the insight. Yeah have been doing some reading on the forums and seen mention of Cireco as the owner of the Dishonesty Register but looking at companies house they were dissolved in 2022. there is no mention of such a register on RLP’s website (assuming this was not always there case according to other threads). I will wait and see what comes through the post only reason I posted my own q and not accept the answer from other threads is some of them are a bit older so not sure if there have been changes et.
  3. Sorry if I am being annoying ! I am just scared - guess that’s the point right ? not a very good deterrent if they don’t scare people. I’ll hold my hands up to the fine but it’s the long term impact on my employability. Get that they are a civil company not the police so I should count myself lucky that the pol is didn’t take it further ! That could have really screwed me over
  4. Thanks for the response and info. I paid for my Diet Coke with Apple Pay. Could they use that info to find me ?
  5. I have been a complete idiot. I had not been paid by my employer and needed food, I stole £53 worth of stuff from Waitrose in a shopping centre. I went to the self check out, paid for a Diet Coke and exited before stopped by a security guard. dumb I know and I regret it. Not just because I was caught but because there are other ways to deal with being hungry than to steal. I went with the security guy and he kept shouting at me to sit down in their back room which I did. I asked what was going to happen (I have never been in this situation before) and he screamed at me to sit down. I offered to pay but he wouldn’t answer me. I was scared (there were other employees but still) I tried to leave and he then called the police and locked the door. I told the staff I was having a panic attack, visibly shaking and heavy breathing clearly scared, they didn’t do anything. I was digging my nails into my arm and again nothing . I mentioned I had anxiety and depression - asking to get air but noting. I had wait until the shopping centre staff came and I spoke to them. Again apologetic and offered to pay and they said that t was not in their hands but Waitrose. Long story short the police attended (3 big guys). I was in this small room still scared with 2 security staff, 1 member of Waitrose staff and 3 police. Again I offered to pay but they refused. As it was £53 they were wanting to prosecute. long story short, the police were decent and said they could tell it was a first offence and decided to not go further. They asked for some details which I gave BUT they were not 100% correct. I gave a shorter first name, my middle name as my surname and the wrong year of DOB (made myself 2 yrs and one month younger). I am also staying in an Airbnb at the minute (long story in itself but I had subsidence so had to fork out £5k for insurance excess and am in airbnbs until it is solved ) so the address is right but I have no formal association to that address. I also gave the wrong email and phone number. They did ask if I had ID which I actually did not have (not purposefully but just true) and the police did not bother to verify the info I gave and accepted me at my word ( I have a posh accent and was not being aggressive, clearly close to tears so didn’t push me) they recovered all the goods - they were resalable. I also refused a picture on “religious” grounds and they said they would use the cctv pics which is fine with me. I am also banned from the shopping centre for 6 months which I am fine with and banned from Waitrose etc. I actually used work for JohnLewis during uni so don’t know how they could practically enforce this and I’ll be honest, I am a generic looking person who stole £50 - I am not a big fish so doubt they will bat an eyelid. Also due to get married soon so my name will change. security escorted me out and the lady guard who just came on duty was super lovely. Spent 30 mins talking to me and suggested I make a complaint as she could see I was distressed and the raw skin on my arms from where I had dug my nails in. even though I was in the wrong, the staff has a duty of care which the maybe did not do. I am not going to go down that route - I think it would be so cheeky to complain as a shoplifter. So my question - I am at the Airbnb for another few weeks so if a letter came from a civil recovery agent (believe RLP seem to be the most likely) I am expecting a fine for £150 ish (according to be guidelines in the pdf doc I have seen in other threads) which I would pay - I am in the wrong and would have no sympathy if I was in their shoes. But the thing I am more scared of is the potential data base thing I have seen people mention. I am probably over reacting (there is no tangible link or way they could “find” me) and I would not let the demand for money go unpaid. But I am applying for jobs that require enhanced DBS and background checks so am scared this will be flagged. Again, I made my bed and need to lie in it. Can anyone shed light on their “database”. Appreciate people want to talk about then fine or whatever you want to call it but I am more interested in my data and how they share it.
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