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Posts posted by babs71

  1. I agree that this would be another life lesson he may need to refer back to sometime in the future. 

    A little of both, I have either filled him in or read full sections to him, he hasn't sat down and read them himself. it is always easier for him to take in what is being said when it is read to him than him reading it with his dyslexia, words jump about and he spends more time concentrating on the words rather than the context.

    Okay, he has decided he wants to go down the legal action route and take all instructions from you on the process he has to follow to do so.

    What happens next?

    He has diarised to call 1st Central again on Wednesday to follow up on his request for his SAR


  2. Hi would you like me to email the recording over to your email?

    What my son wants to achieve from this is the removal of this DN from his credit file, that is his main reason. I have had a chat with him and explained the 2 options and it appears that the one way we can make sure it is removed is to go the legal route you have suggested.

    He has asked if he will need to get a lawyer/solicitor involved or if you can all help with whatever he has to do to go down the legal route. He just wants his name cleared of the no-fault record on his credit file, it isn't fair that they have done what they have. The compensation would also be nice and he can donate to you all for your help

  3. Call complete to 1st Central Customer Service, recorder call, they have emailed whoever it is that needs to process the request and my son was told to call back in a week if nothing has been received via email. They said there was no reference number to accompany this request. The recording identifies my son on it so I haven't uploaded the MP3 file here, I can email it to you if you wish to hear it. They asked why he wanted it he fluffed at this point and then said it was for an ongoing dispute, I hope that is okay, didn't expect them to ask why he wanted it and were not prepared with an answer.

  4. Morning BankFodder, 

    Apologies for not coming back to you last evening, my nights are long, and my mornings are early. My apologies but I have fallen asleep most evenings by 7. 

    My son finished his work shift this morning at 10 and headed straight to college in Edinburg he will be home around 6 this evening when he can make the call to 1st Central to make his subject access request. I will record the conversation and update you on the outcome once the call has been made.

    I will have to have a conversation with him this evening about your suggestion of taking the legal action route, could you please give me a brief outline of what it would entail so that I can relay this information to him so he can make an informative choice? 

  5. We are in Scotland.

    "I suggest that you send please statutory request  If this is the 'subject access request' you are referring can I confirm is it customer services at 1st Central that he is calling to make the request?


    1st central customer service call lines are open Monday to Friday 8-8 so if this is correct then he should be able to make this call on Monday evening around 6 once my son gets back from Edinburgh College to Glenrothes

    If it is complaints he needs to talk to then he is limited to making a call Monday to Friday between 9-5 which would mean he would not be able to call them till Wednesday when he is off work and college


  6. Wow thanks for the link I have just read it and thought I have done some of this while dealing with 1st Central over the past 3 years I can see where I have fallen short, I have always noted time date person department, and conversation but relying on their recording so I can see why doing my own would be prudent.

    Does this have to be some kind of app or can I use my mobile to record while on speaker and record the call being made on the landline?

    My sincere apologies for the 12 days since you said I was to do the subject Access request, had no idea that much time had passed with all the other information I was exchanging, we will do this as a phone request on Wednesday with 1st Central, on another note would my son be able to go through the identity check with them and then authorize for me to talk to them on his behalf to make the subject Access request?

  7. He has had more than 1 car insurance policy with them, should he be stipulating the details required are for the one we are going to complain about or just getting all information they have on him over the years? 

    We can arrange to call them on Wednesday afternoon which is the first time he will be free from work and studies to make the call, we can put the call on speaker and record it, are we expected to let them know we are recording it or can we do it without their knowledge?

  8. Hi BankFodderhe is fully informed and up-to-date with everything, fully invested in seeing the conclusion to this case. It is just that I have been the person dealing with it all, he got himself into quite a state when he was first accused of a hit and run when he wasn't involved in anything of the sort, seeing him fall apart at the accusation of being involved was not easy to witness as a parent; and then the claimant went one step further and tried to claim for injuries, he couldn't express himself without getting worked up so I took over and dealt with everything for him, I just let him know each time we had had another contact and what it was about and not to worry I was dealing with it. 

  9. Please will you have a look and see if there is anything incorrect or which needs changing.

    Looks Good, wow thanks for the shortening and to-the-point details in it, this rewrite is amazing

    Also can you give me a few notes on the follow-up of the story – in particular how this has affected your son and his family. This family could mean you or anybody in his family circle.

    We immediately authorized for me to deal with everything on behalf of my son when this happened. I have taken all the burden of trying to get this sorted for my son, he is young (24), a student, and supporting himself through his studies as a mature student, he really can do without this problem. I have bumped my head making calls to 1st Central each time this issue has reared its ugly head, and though the person on the phone has assured me each time it is in hand and being dealt with, the debt department keeps hounding with the threats, I have believed the customer services and claims department when they have told me all was on hold till the claim concluded, but yet we kept getting debt collection agent contacting to chase for the money, when I have called them they have handed the claim back to 1st central and then a different DCA has made contact, this last one, AJJB, has been the most instance and just keep offering a discount of 25% to settle which I have refused, it has given me panic attached and sleepless nights worrying about the impact all of this will have on my son's life if it is not sorted, already it has affected his likely hood of getting a good mortgage. I have kept everything from my son up until now, as there was no direct impact on him till, he tried to find out about a mortgage, he is in a flat spin about how he will be able to get onto the housing market with this DN against his credit file and this in turn has sent me into panic attaches and more sleepless night


    I think it's important that we understand the full impact of this. On the basis of what you have said, not only is this insurance company in breach of the ICOBS FCA regulations, but they also breach of the data protection act.

    We like to know the full extent of the impact terms intensive distress to your son, yourself, your family. And also any actual expenses to which she has been put. I understand that he is trying to get a mortgage. As you actually found a property? Is in danger of losing the property? Where are we on this?

    Looking to get his first property in Edinburgh, looked into what kind of mortgage he would be able to get so he knew what deposit he needed to put down

    His credit score was low 633 compared to his twin's 869

    He can still get a mortgage with the low score but it will be with a higher interest rate, for a lower amount he can borrow and will need to find a deposit of at least 20-25% instead of the 5-10% with a better credit score.

    We didn’t even know he had this DN on his file from 1st Central logged since July 2021, this has a direct impact on his score and we wouldn’t have even known it was there if it wasn't that he was considering buying in Edinburgh later this year and needed to check his credit scorer. He was looking into what he could borrow now so that he could save the deposit to buy later but with this DN it is not going to be possible; he will have to find a much higher deposit and have to pay a lot more interest on a smaller mortgage than what houses cost in Edinburgh

    With the DN he will be landed with a small mortgage, at high interest, and a much larger deposit being needed, just not feasible

  10. BankFodder

    many thanks I know how busy you are and appreciate you dropping in to give a little feedback, I look forward to any amendment and help you can give tomorrow,

    I was concerned with maybe being too informative and long-winded any way of getting to the point and leaving them to go away and investigate would be a much better letter and may help with this greatly appreciative 

    Honeybee13 my apologies for the confusion, I was referring to FOS investigating 1st Central if they don't correct their DN and the amount they are expecting us to pay for cancelling the insurance policy

  11. DX,

    we have never tried to get it removed as we didn't even know that the DN existed until earlier this month when my son checked his Credit File.

    We had no reason to expect this to be there as the claim on his Insurance policy we cancelled, never came to anything it was a false claim, t

    his DN should never have been filed, especially since the claims department investigating the false claim told us that they would advise debt recover to put a hold on this insurance cancelation amount till the investigation on the claim had completed and they also advised that they would put a note to this effect on his insurance file,

    clearly this cant have been done, or debt collection ignored the not, as the debt department went ahead and put the DN on my sons file in the July of 2012,

    the investigation did not complete till October 2021; 3 months after the debt department logged this DN on my sons file for an amount that was not due to them.

    This is the first of us dealing with 1st Central on a Complaints basis, I have only ever had phone conversations with customer services and the claims department; back when the origin claim was logged on my son's insurance policy in February 2021.

    This complaint letter will be our first request for an investigation into what they have done.

    DX Agee it is my error it should have been FOC in the draft letter 🤪

  12. Morning all,

    I see I didn't complete my message yesterday 🙃 typical hitting send before my train of thought was down.

    Would it be awfully cheeky of me to ask if anyone would be willing to have a read of the draft complaints letter I have complied and give me any feedback before I post it to 1st Central?

    I am more than happy to pay for this service, you have all been most helpful with my previous Evri case and this on going saga.

  13. Hi below is my draft complaint letter any feedback and amendments would be greatly appreciated


    Customer Relations

    First Central Insurance Management Limited

    Capital House

    1-5 Perrymount Road

    Haywards Heath

    RH16 3SY


    Policy Number FPM60097 xxx




    Formal complaint about 1st Central Cancellation Calculation


    To whom it may concern,

    I am writing to file a formal complaint regarding 1st Central handling of my insurance policy cancellation. I have encountered significant issues with your company in terms of the cancellation cost calculations and the Default Notice on my credit file, which have caused me considerable frustration, stress and negative impact on my credit file.

    I have made multiple attempts to resolve these issues directly with 1st Central by contacting their Customer Service Department and Claims Department. However, my efforts have been met with unsatisfactory responses, further exacerbating my dissatisfaction due to the Debt Collection Department not actioning the expected hold on the debt till the conclusion of an investigation into an alleged incident on the policy that was cancelled.

    Outline of events: - Bought car insurance policy 22/10/20; paid by monthly instalments, 21/2/21 alleged hit & run logged against policy; Incident was being investigated. I advised it was not true. Sold the car on this policy 19/3/21, asked to cancel the policy and was quoted £478.64 cancellation cost; advised due to incident had to pay the full year to cancel it, disagreed said claim was not true shouldn't have to pay the £478.64 unless found I was involved in the incident under investigation, Janice Cassidy @16:33 agreed to cancel the policy for me without any payment. 23/6/21 received email Debt Collection Default Notice, called Lee Cambell in claims at 15:00 he said he would talk with debt collection and put a note on file to put the debt on hold till the conclusion of the investigation. 16/7/21 received yet another email from debt collection with a final notice of default. The investigation was not concluded this should all still have been on hold till the conclusion which didn’t happen till the 7/10/21. We received a written letter on the 1/12/21 confirming that I was not involved in any incident the claim had been closed at no cost on my policy being paid to any 3rd party and no loss of my no claims bonus. In the meantime, your debt collection department put a Default Notice for £479 against my name on my credit report on the 15/7/21, 3 months before the claim had been fully investigated and before the alleged third-party claim was declined, so no pay out claim was recorded during the policy year.

    When the request to cancel the policy was received, there was a question about the liability for the claim on the policy. 1st Central created the debt (£478.64) for the remaining premium plus fees added and 1st Central have never corrected the debt record, once 1st Central ruled out paying anything to a third party they have not corrected the cancellation amount owed due to no claim on the policy.

    This whole sage has been most distressing and could all have been avoided if 1St  Central had don’t their job correctly and simply waited till the outcome of the investigation, instead due to their handling of the cancellation of this policy it has had a negative impact on my credit report, loads of stress and mental health issues have come with this handling, especially when you have handed the debt over to your associated debt collector agents to chase me for what is not due to you.

    Therefore, I kindly request your intervention and assistance in addressing this matter. I kindly request that you thoroughly investigate my complaint and take appropriate actions to rectify the situation. My desired outcome is for 1st Central to cancel the Default Notice, remove the credit file entry, cancel your Debt Collection Agents and invoice the correct amount due for the cancellation of the policy. I would also ask you to consider compensation for the stress, worry and frustration your Debt Collection department has put me through, along with a formal apology in writing

    Enclosed with this letter are copies of all relevant phone call dates, time and persons I spoke with and what we spoke about (you can call up your phone recordings to clarify these call recordings), documents related to my credit file, and correspondence with 1st Central’s associated debt collector agents. These documents provide further evidence of the challenges I have faced and the need for your intervention.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a swift and satisfactory resolution. If I have not had your reply to this complaint in 14 days, I will be left with no choice but to send it all on to FCO so that they can investigate it.   

    Yours sincerely,




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