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Everything posted by thatsnotme

  1. It was just threatening stuff that if I don't pay, what could be the consequences. I have not received any more letters and hoping not to get anymore.
  2. I have received 3 letters so far from DWF. I am getting a bit worried now. How many more letters they are gonna send? Has anyone got any idea?
  3. They can't put CCJ on my credit report, can they if they go to court
  4. I had an incident where I got banned for life from sainsbury. Nothing was stolen from sainsbury. I had paid for all the items. I had an item from different retailer and I couldn't provide the receipt for that. I have recieved DWF letter now. I have been reading other posts regarding same kind of experience where people have been advised not to pay them. Just wondering if anyone had recent experience and what was the outcome. I don't want anything going on credit file if I don't pay. Any advise would be much appreciated
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