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Everything posted by laterecovery1

  1. A really quick one. Had a parking fine from May which I thought I'd paid, since I had a few others at the time. Missed one out, apparently. Didn't realise this and it went to a debt recovery agency. The deadline for payment was Monday, but I only received the letter today since my mail goes to my family home instead of my current, temporary, residence. I've immediately paid the fine of £130, but am just wanting to check if anyone knew if there was any remit for them charging me more, or trying to take it further now that I've paid the demand, albeit late. but I just did some reading around the forums and it seems like I did the 'wrong' thing by paying since they don't have any powers? I'm not necessarily intimidated by these companies, but I can never be bothered to have 'debt' hanging over me and instinctively pay these fines immediately when I get them. The original fine was issued by APCOA, and the debt collection agency is Debt Recovery Plus. This was hospital parking, where I work.
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