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Everything posted by SieveNaive

  1. They are allowed to charge separate interest on the arrears balance and add this to the fees balance which apparently includes other charges and keeps going up and up every month?
  2. Hi, I am trying to work out if someone has paid the correct National Insurance amounts over the past couple of years. They have logged onto their PAYE account and looked back over the past five years. So each year it says Taxable Income, Tax paid, N.I. paid. Is "Taxable income" different to gross salary for N.I. purposes? I've used the total earned amount as shown on each year's PAYE online record and run it through various N.I. calculators available online and I cannot find one that adds up to the same amounts as shown as being paid. Any advice please?
  3. Yes, we were with another company I can't remember but sold to Engage years ago. I haven't been able to move ever since as this was around the big crash time. Mortgage prisoner? Sorry that's a new term to me. I only know about two of these ResKs. The other two have baffled me as I have not seen any paperwork on them and don't recall what on earth they are for but they are dated probably 8-10 years ago. The two I knew about one I sent paperwork back and was trying to negotiate with them and the other one I attended court around 2013 I think and if I remember rightly this was from a credit card starting with EasyMoney but sold on to various. It's a long time ago but I think they just kept increasing my credit limit at a point where we were struggling financially. I vaguely recall the judge making a comment about that aspect but can't remember exactly and eventually as we couldn't pay at the time we got the ccj.
  4. We've been with our current lender for many years on a terrible rate and am desperate to leave due to their behaviour etc. But there are various problems and I need some advice. We had to take a subprime interest only some years ago due to bad credit and low wages. After the crash and affordability tightening we couldn't move elsewhere and the mortgage company have never been interested in helping us, just keen to take us to court. Well finally things are starting to get better and I'm desperate to try and get away from this creeps whether remortgaging or moving. Ideally I'd remortgage for now Doing some recent research into our finances I've discovered some Restriction K's on our land registry account. I think this is the right term? There are four all in my name only by the looks of them on a joint property. A couple I know nothing about, but the other two would be originally for unsecured loans or credit cards. I can't remortgage with current lender even if I could stand it as apparently they are only a servicing company. Any advice please? Next - we were on a LIBOR rate +3% interest only mortgage. Assume there is no come back on the fixing scandal over this? I've been on synthetic LIBOR for awhile but understand that this is now moving to SONIA. However the rate they are giving me is SONIA +0.11% plus the same 3% weighting. Why the extra 0.11%? Seems just gouging me from all sides. Over the years we have struggled on enormously high rates and hours being cut several times, they've tried a couple of times to go for repossession and failed. I recently noticed on a letter from the lender about charges, I've requested a full statement. Looking at this there are about £9000 of fees and charges ranging from litigation solicitor costs to monthly arrears fees ranging from £50 to £27.50. I was also informed this week that in addition to my normal interest monthly payments I am paying approximately £78pm in additional interest. Well clearly I haven't been exactly as I've just been trying to pay the monthly installment asked for. So mortgage balance is actually rising every month! We were in arrears for a long while but with new jobs we have now paid over most of this. Credit report now shows ok as we are under one month of arrears and will have cleared them completely in the next month or two. Can anything be done on any of this? Can charges be reclaimed? any advice please.
  5. So even though he's telling me to look for other work because we are closing down, but hasn't given me notice officially I have no right to the redundancy money? It's not going to be easy for me to find a job in my field so the fact this job has come up now, I lose out. This seems so wrong.
  6. Hi thank you both. He is selling to a developer and has already exchanged contracts so it is definitely happening. I want to stay but there is no option for this, so I would only be taking the other job because I have no choice as the redundancy will happen, he just isn't doing anything about it.
  7. Hi, first post so apologies if in in the wrong place. As brief as I can make it the situation is - Worked for the same company over 20 years. For months they have struggled and at various times boss has said "might be worth you start looking around for something else" which I have been, but really wanted to stay put if possible. At no point so far has there been a redundancy consultation or even a formal discussion, just the boss dropping this into conversation. Recently I've discovered he is going to sell up but not as a going concern, still no official steps taken. There are seven of us who would then be looking at redundancy but not one of us has had any kind of formal process. I've started taking annual leave for interviews because I think until I've had something formal I can't take it as official interview leave. I've now been offered a job, but don't know what to do because I don't want to lose out on redundancy having worked there decades but the boss is just not committing to anything. The company are clearly winding down so I don't know what to do. I spoke to boss about a month ago and said the is a proper process and the boss seemed surprised but said he would look into it. Still nothing. What can I do? We have asked and asked but surely this is not legal. I think it's just going to be one Friday evening "oh one week notice, thanks for everything"
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