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Everything posted by Cbel

  1. They have uploaded a final aqua credit card statement and emailed it to me and they have uploaded a letter which states Cabot are taking over the debt but no letters from Cabot or CCA with Aqua or Cabot it’s a video call again on Monday I have never met a solicitor as condescending as the last time I am presuming they think this paperwork is all they need to show I owe Cabot money I wasn’t even sure initially they the sherriff understood who Cabot were then I heard they have several cases per day for them so he must do Cabot or Nolan’s ever win ? And on what grounds I still searching for more cases I should have said the letter that states Cabot are taking over the debt is from Aqua not Cabot
  2. Hi there I actually have no idea how they got my email , maybe from the court as was online video call last time they emailed to say documents had been uploaded for the case on Monday I haven’t replied and they sent copies of the documents a Bruce Clayson the last time he was behaving like he was very familiar with the sheriff I will write to them and say not to email they are trying to say that these documents prove I owe Cabot money I presume ? Whereas I don’t agree Not sure what else to say on Monday except stick to story that I don’t have a CCA with Cabot ? Anything else
  3. Hi D I have received email from Nolan’s today with my last credit card bill from Aqua and a letter from Aqua stating that my debt is being sold to Cabot I can send info if you like i not sure what to do now hearing is 9th Oct there is still no signed CCA and no response from Cabot despite sending 3 letters should I do anything else ? To help my case ? thanks
  4. Thanks I will say that as you know I don’t have a clue about legal issues he did tell me to speak to CAB I said I had I appreciate your support it was not as nerve wracking as I thought as was in video call also notice Cabot are increasing the debt on my credit file thanks will update on the 9th
  5. Hi there I meant to update following the case review a few weeks ago I explained that I have had no response from Cabot requesting a CCA and have written twice and sent signed for delivery, he seemed very supportive of Nolan’s and said he was sure they would get a copy the Nolan’s solicitor said he would and the next hearing is the 9th Oct - I have still heard nothing wondering what will happen and if it will be same sheriff thanks c
  6. That’s good that’s what I thought as long as I have proof for the court I requested it I presume that’s the main thing be in touch soon
  7. Hi there I will send photo of D4 form in am I have not had a response from Cabot re CCA request So not sure how long to wait as hearing on 31st by video link presume I can’t email them to chase up thanks
  8. Is that all I need to do is CCA ? To Cabot the hearing is by video link
  9. Hi there D I have managed to get hearing changed to 31st of Aug as I will be away on the day of the 3rd Aug I need to send a CCA to Cabot but need to get this printed off , been in hospital again and still off work think I can print at the library been reading though other cases again and trying to get my head round this cheers
  10. Hi there I did read up as much as I could find and could not see what others had put in their defence I did think you were helping and not put me down I have extremely difficult personal circumstances and it doesn’t cost anything to be kind I have told you what I put in 04a just that I had an aqua card and Cabot have bought the debt and I have asked for a CCA and no one has replied I will meet with them as they have requested thanks
  11. Hi I thought I had to put it in on 12th June and they would reply by 3rd July , plus I going for more surgery tomorrow i put it in online which I did online and then received a message today to go on 3rd of August I said that I was unaware of why Cabot and plans were pushing me for this money I did previously have an aqua credit card and asked for CCA and received no response , i said very little as been having a terrible time and not keeping well do you think I messed this up? what would you expect outcome to be ? I am not disputing I owe Aqua money but they have sold it to Cabot and added on hundreds many thanks Clare Excuse the typos plans means Nolan’s
  12. Hi there I put my response in to the simple procedure form and have been asked to go on 3rd August for a case discussion very worried also I meant to be away with work then any advice greatly appreciated thanks c
  13. Yes have looked through all Cabot and Nolan claims in search and can’t find any which have wins or dismissed and for what reasons I don’t know why to put in my reponse I either say I owe the money or deny it and I had the debt with aqua and not cabot they simply bought the debt
  14. I am following this for advice too Cabot and old Aqua Card Debt - will they go for a CCJ? - Newday - Consumer Action Group I have received court papers from Cabot’s solicitors for 1600 approx debt on an aqua card I am waiting to respond to small claims court bit unsure what to do yet still learning and reading up thanks c x
  15. Thanks I will wait I have until 12th June to respond and will wait at the moment cheers c x
  16. Thanks so much for your help I have been reading threads but will read more I am presuming I need to respond to the court papers and pay back in instalments I am happy to pay back if needed but just wondered if it’s legal that Nolan’s send it to small claims court on behalf of Cabot what do you think I should do ? Or what May the outcome be ? thanks C x
  17. D4 exact wording The defender resides as stated in the instance and has so resided for at least 3 months preceding the raising of this action . Defender is domiciled as in the instance giving this court juristiction, in terms of statute. To the knowledge of the pursuer there are no other proceedings pending before any other court involving the present cause of action between the parties nor does any agreement exist between the parties prorogating jurisdiction over the subject matter of the present cause . on or around 29th Feb 2016 the respondent entered a credit card agreement with new day LTD under which the respondent borrowed a sum of money repayable on demand . The said credit agreement was an agreement under the consumer credit act 1974 the date of termination was 31st May 2022 . The respondent failed to pay as agreed on demand and is in breach of contract with the said NEW Day LTD. The said supplier assigned all rights in the Said debt to Cabot financial uk LTD on 13th June 2022 and the claimants have advised respondent of same . The last payment was made to account on 14th NOV 2021. The said sun of 1618.21 is the sun sued for . The claimants have made frequent requests to the respondent to make payment of the said sun but the respondent has refused or delayed to do so.
  18. I have asked what is D1 to D4 ? I feel like I am really annoying you ? I am so sorry but as I said I don’t know what you mean ? I will try tomorrow as not very well this eve thanks c x
  19. Yes I have a simple procedure form from Hamilton As you said it came in post and I don’t have electronic copy , I can try and get a scanning app and upload as I don’t have it in PDF format and have no access to copier / scanner as off sick I believe I can log in to court info online i could try and safe it that way too thanks cx
  20. Ok thanks I am not sure what you mean I did type out the oranges oh what claim is for I also tried to photo graph the paragraph but would not let me upload I don’t know what you mean by D1 and D 4 ? thanks c x
  21. The claim is for 1618.21 pounds IT states the defender resides as stated and has for 3 months it states on or around 29th Feb 2016 the respondent entered in the credit card agreement with New Day The agreement was regulated under the consumer credit act 1974 the date of termination was 31st May 2022 The said supplier New day then assigned all rights of debt to Cabot Financial uk LTD on 13th June 2022 The last payment was made 14th Nov 2021
  22. I don’t have a great phone and I followed instructions but can’t copy and paste I have put down answers to all questions I just had major op so not great still court : Hamilton Sherriff claimant : Cabot represented by Nolan’s date of formal service 18th April last date for service 12th June 23 last date for response 3rd July received texts and letters from Cabot I ignored as 1618 pounds and couldn’t afford to pay then had 2 letters from Nolans ignored them too now on to court papers card applied for Aqua online and don’t have paperwork can check emails and app no change of address in 8 years for card after 2007 I did get a default letter from aqua ceased payments due to marriage breakdown and mental health now had major surgery would like advice should I complete court letters ? my phone is old and won’t copy and paste etc sorry thanks c x
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