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Everything posted by brian50

  1. Hey guys I left british gas in april 2017, I worked for them as a smart meter engineer for 2 years. When I left I was told to pay back a training bond of 6000, retention bonus of 1000 and overpayment of salary of 500 I have massive issues with the training bond as they never gave me an exact break down with figures to what each part of the training bond cost, I have asked them for an itemised receipt but they will not give me one, the have told me it is for training tools, van, hotels stay, this is a generic form for every engineer at the time. What I am fighting is that other engineers had a 21 week hotel stay at a holiday inn but I never used this I just drove to the training centre 20 minutes from my home. I also gave back all the tool and never kept them so why am I paying for these. CsT law is a legal company working on their behalf and after they never listened to me i now have a court allocated, but not a date yet they never turned up to mediation twice, From the beginning I have stated I will pay their overpayment of salary and retention bonus but not the training bond Bit worries because someone lost there case, has anyone got some advice
  2. Hey guys I left british gas in 2017 and have had this go on since 2019, I have a court allocated, but not a date yet they never turned up to mediation twice, essentially they state I owe them 6000 for training fee and 1000 for overpayment of salary, I have stated I will pay the salary back no problem. But with the training fees I'm not happy with as they claim part of it is for accommodation which other engineers has a 21 week hotel stay at a holiday in but I never used this I just drove to the training centre 20 minutes from my home. Bit worries because someone lost their case, has anyone got some advice
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