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Everything posted by Barney37193

  1. Then that just leaves the question of them adding interest, no notifications and no annual statements.
  2. Another thing, Advantage don't want to discuss anything with me they tell me to speak to the solicitors (pepperells) Is this normal?
  3. Thank you so much for the valuable info and yeah you're right about the car, What you have told me has put my mind at ease, although part of me is still tempted to make a reduced offer just to make it go away, surely they know they have no guarantees of recovering it full stop, so a reduced settlement would not be unreasonable?
  4. I honestly don't remember. Im just uncomfortable leaving this charge in place with rising interest, if I do decide to borrow against my house, in say 5-8 years time, and the charge has to be paid out of my secured borrowing, by then its going to be in tens of thousands
  5. 2 years ago, was in a bad state mentally and just ignored everything, VTd the car which they then sold got a ccj and Co, didn't defend as state of mind just panicked and ignored, The amount I paid off the car and the amount they sold it for covered the amount I borrowed, the judgement t amount is all interest. Financially I'm in the best place I've ever been, household income has trebled and were clearing up all old debt. The house has around 90k equity and we would like to borrow against it to make some major upgrades, my worry is this charge, I'm wondering if I can borrow with it on there does it have to be paid from what I potentially borrow or do I just need to inform them. If so do I make a reduced settlement offer.
  6. Does it matter if I wanted to release any equity in future, if I got a secured loan would it have to be paid or do I have to notify them?
  7. RESTRICTION: No disposition of the registered estate, other than a disposition by the proprietor of any registered charge registered before the entry of this restriction, is to be registered without a certificate signed by the applicant for registration or their conveyancer that written notice of the disposition was given to *Name of company and adress* being the person with the benefit of an interim charging order on the beneficial interest
  8. Hello, I am new here and looking for some advice regarding charging orders, One of these is from Advantage finance, from a car finance that I VT'd and was left with a shortfall, subsequently they got a Ccj for £4900 and a Co, this comes from a time when I was severely depressed and had my head buried way deep in the sand and I never defended it, I just binned letters hoping everything would go away. I'm now trying to sort everything out and have tried to negotiate a reduced settlement offer but the solicitor dealing with it won't budge and the balance has risen to almost £6000 as they are adding daily interest. I got of copy of my Land registry document and it shows only an interim charging order so I'm assuming the final order was rejected somehow, also note its a joint mortgage and this debt is only in my name. So my questions are.. Are they allowed to add interest, post judgement on a debt less than 5k for something that was registered by the FCA Are they likely to accept a reduced offer given that the bulk of the Ccj amount was interest left owing from the original agreement? I'm worried if I leave this alone with the interest they are adding eventually its going to eat up any equity I have in my home. Any advice much appreciated, Thank you
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