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Joel Rowe

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Everything posted by Joel Rowe

  1. Ok thanks for the help. If anything happens I will be sure to update this post
  2. Today I had a man at my door chasing a debt, the date of birth he had was incorrect, so because of that he gave me a number to call and after a call to them I found that all the other details were correct such as email address etc. The year was incorrect on the debt. Apparently I owe Great Universal Catalogue over £300 which I think is ridiculous considering they no longer exist. ResolveCall had the debt passed to them by someone else but they wouldn't say who. Is it right they are chasing me for this debt that I have no knowledge about after 21 years?! I dont even live in the same city. I cannot for the life of me think why I would've used GUS back in 2001 at 19 years old.
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