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Everything posted by zebralegs1

  1. I was charged once for the MOT at £18, I wasnt charged for the 2nd MOT which passed on the same day by servicing stop. The repairs were done by BM Motoring Centre and it cost £192. Would it be acceptable to use a local council mot testing centre? This would cost £54.85. It cost about £40 petrol to fill the tank half way from empty on picking it up after repairs. I got transport to and from home while repairs were done, I estimate between £10-£20 in petrol for that
  2. So to add to the confusion, ive received the email from the repairing garage also notifying me that there is a difference between the failing MOT and the passing one. I'm really struggling to get this straight in my head now.. Emails from repairing Garage.PDF
  3. Hi, thanks for your replies, It was brake fluid and an air filter that was changed a few months previous. The engine oil should have been changed at the service because that hadn't been done. I chose a full service because i wanted the other items that come with a full service checked. I made that clear because he told me my car needs special engine oil that would cost more which i accepted. I assumed that was because its an automatic. Thats helpful to know about the top mounts and the way they sit etc. There is also some confusion because the garage said they only replaced one coil spring and the fact that the issue was also found on the other side is nothing to do with them. I thought it was best practice to replace coil springs in pairs? I've since had a look and both coil springs are black and smooth like a new set, no flaked paint or anything on either of them. The garage who did the work to repair the damage didnt put new springs on they just fitted them correctly. The original garage asked why i didnt go back to them and allow them the opportunity to check the work and rectify the situation (as explained it sounded and felt unsafe) as apparently their work came with a guarantee which i wasnt aware of before. He also told me that they didnt need to refund me as I didnt ask for their permission to get the repairs done. The car is from 2009 so I dont think there is any warranty, at least I wasnt told when I bought it second hand. In reply to BankFodder, I only took a free template off Which's website. I have not received advice from them or anyone else and I cannot afford a solicitor. I am serious about taking them to small claims court...if you think i actually have a case against them. Its a very big step for me and i am very anxious about it. I have requested the sketch vs the autodata diagram and clarification of whether both springs were new and if they had replaced either of them when rectifying the issue with the mounts. I will post that here when i get it. The link you sent for the letter of claim took me to amendments from 2017, and when i went on the website to find the updated version, it seems to want me to fill out a claim online or use form N1 for postal claims? I have attached a PDF version of my draft for the "brief description of claim" field. I have attached PDFs of the email correspondance and I admit my first email was sent out of shock and emotion which was not the best. If I just went with the fact that they didn't test it while driving it to make sure that they were fitted properly (even though it was driven back to my house by an employee of the garage) do you think that going to small claims court is warranted or am I being ridiculous? Im just really unhappy with their contact and the work. Brief details of claim.PDF Emails about car fault and refund.PDF
  4. Hi, I used servicingstop to do a full service and mot of my car a few weeks ago. Car Service | Cheap Car Servicing Cost, MOT Deals | Massive Savings on Main Dealer Prices WWW.SERVICINGSTOP.CO.UK They tried to charge me for some oils and filters that weren't needed as they had only recently been replaced. When i informed them that those specific items didnt need doing, why did they think they did, they told me they hadn't looked at the car they were just going by the service history (the replacements were done as part of other works). I should have been concerned at this point as the cars MOT had supposedly been done already. On the same phone call they told me that the front coil spring needed replacing as it was broken they quoted me above £400 for this work so i said i would call them back. I checked other local garages and realises they were charging far mor than others, so i called them back and asked why it was so high and they agreed to take a little off the price but they couldn't charge 'at cost' like other garages. As it was a major fail and i wouldnt be allowed to drive it away, I said yes to the works begrudgingly as no service/invoice/ MOT documents would be sent to me until all the work was done. I had to pay up front via a weblink that i was sent in an email. They returned the car to me by the end of the work day. I was unwell and couldnt drive it for a few days. When i did drive it (very short journey) there was some faint knocking but i couldnt tell if it was me or another car on the road. Again another few days went by and i did another journey. It was getting louder and i felt it was different. I pulled into the nearest garage as i felt unsafe and i didnt know it was the work service stop had done. They told me the work that had been carried out had not been done according to the manufacturers instructions. It was fitted incorrectly and it had caused some premature wearing. I agreed that they could carry out the repair works as I needed my car. Service stop only have email and they say they will get back to you within 5-7 days. I let the original garage Service Stop know what had happened and asked them some questions and said i wasn't happy with the service they had provided. No one responded in a fortnight so i tried all unknown numbers on my call history to find their number. After i talked to them i got an email. They said they did not acknowledge responsibility while at the same time they were sorry for a fault not being found before leaving their garage... and offered me a "goodwill gesture" of about £90 which i refused. At this point i used Which's recommended letter template to explain the issues in a clearer way and let them know that if i wasnt refunded or starting discussions with an ombudsman? motor industry code of practice and repair then i would be taking them to small claims court to reclaim the money. (I was really nervous about this bit Which's letter had this in and my brother encouraged me that it is fairly standard to show you are serious. The deadline for the refund is this friday and they have replied- We are not a member of the Motor Industry Code of Practice. Unfortunately, despite numerous communications between us, we do not seem to be making progress towards resolving your complaint. We have laid out the viewpoint of Servicing Stop regarding the matter raised and unfortunately, unless any further information arises which strengthens your case, we will not be changing our stance on this matter. Under these circumstances, we will unfortunately be unable to continue on with this complaint, as we are unable to come to a suitable resolution between us both. Ive attached the full service sheet stating that theyd checked everything for the suspension, the MOT work (not very detailed) and the invoice from the other garage for repair work which was very detailed. Do I have a decent case or am I in the wrong? Its stressed me out so much and im so worried about going further with it as i already have chronic anxiety and other chronic illnesses but i cant afford not getting the money back if it wasnt what it should have been. Thanks Paperwork.pdf
  5. I was only given an agreement as far as I can tell. When I applied for the position I was given a conditional contract of employment which is the standard conditional contract for ngs jobs as far as I'm aware, but when it was completed I got this agreement. What do you think? I had constant "assignments" during the period in question snd no leave longer than a week. bank contract anonymised.pdf
  6. I managed to get hold of my first payslip from my bank work where I was automatically entered into the pension. I have removed my personal details, but do you think that this shows proof of employment in order to receive benefits such as continuation of service? 1st bank pay slip with pension deductions.pdf
  7. Thanks Homer67. In all the emails and documentation I have it never mentioned the word contractor and it was so misleading as they entered me into the nhs pension and my pay was standard AFC band pay plus a slight uplift for annual leave rates... it just seems so wrong
  8. No I'm not in a union and I don't particularly want to join one either.
  9. I have completed the request form they asked for and got my manager to sign off on it along with their reasons for why it is relevant work history, but we've just been told no because they don't accept bank work. I've even written up a page ir two quoting the AFC and the acts and why it should count but they don't address my questions. They just tell me they don't accept agency work. I've sent in my payslips and total rewards statement for the pension and everything I could think of but they either won't accept the evidence or don't acknowledge it. I think its either I give up because its easier , or I get some sort of employment law advice because it seems wrong to me and I want to stand my ground. It just seems completely wrong that they could accept a foreign firm of health service work as part of continuous service but not bank work with an NHS Trust in this country. That to me is discriminatory.
  10. Hi, thank you. Yes I have, but I don't really get any discussion, I tried to ask for an appointment to speak to a senior manager about it but I didn't get one. They just say it doesn't count. It just doesn't sit right as there seem to be reasons and legal precedents where 0 hours contract workers have gained the same rights as employees before if they meet certain criteria which I feel I did
  11. I have read through the Agenda for Change policies, appendices and FAQ-s and I have read associated documents from the employment act and discrimination act I think my bank work (0 hours contract) should be recognised as part of my continuous service in the NHS as it meets several factors of employment. I never had more than 7 days off work in the whole of my bank work, I was employed directly by an NHS trust not an agency, they added me to the company pension automatically, I had agreed hours and a manager for each assignment who oversaw my work etc. I feel that as the term bank work or worker is not in the AfC policy and worker is not a legal term, that I should have my bank work recognised as part of my continuous service. I have tried to speak to HR at NHS England but each response I've had is negative and they have quoted sections where it talks about agency workers not qualifying for this employment benefit. Is someone able to help me understand why they record bank work for years of reckonable service on your IAT but it doesn't count towards continuous service? Nhse are going through potential redundancies and if I am made redundant i won't get any pay out as they are only counting my continuous service from when I joined them last year, however I have many years reckonable service which would come to 8-10months worth of pay. I was working for the NHS since Jan 2020 In this most recent stint with some of that being continuous bank work.
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