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Everything posted by PBR2000

  1. no i haven't applied yet. you're right that would be the best test to see if the old loans would cause problems. i guess i can take comfort in knowing the loans cant be enforced anymore. just a shame i cant get them writen off as I wasn't hiding or dodging them in any way. yes i'll get a sar if i decide to go down the FOS route. if I take it futher i'll update this thread as i hope it might help other people with similar issues who find it through a web search. before posting this i spent a lot of time reading the threads on CAG. to all the other people who start threads here - please keep the thread updated after any actions you take as it really helps others. most threads just end unresolved.
  2. thanks for the advice. there's plenty of threads on CAG where people have been denied funding because of these old loans. they also appear impossible to write off. is there something that gives you confidence a future government wouldn't change debt regulations to allow collection of statute barred debts?
  3. Yes Im not really worried about them trying to enforce it now. That should be pretty much impossible. 2 things: - I was considering doing a post grad course. Pretty sure theres no chance of funding now with these loans defaulted. - Im worried a future government might decide to rip up debt regulation and declare all debts (even just old student loans) are now enforceable regardless of whether they have been statute barred. If at that time I was a property owner, Im worried about a charging order and repossession. I though because this was there error, I might try the FOS and push to get the loans wiped/voided.
  4. Hiya I'll try and explain my situation briefly. I received 3 mortgage style old loans from 94 to 96. They were sold to Thesis and transferred from the SLC in 2008. I also received another loan under the new income continent scheme directly from SLC in 2004. I was deferring my mortgage style loans with Thesis until 2012 when communication stopped. My last deferment form was completed and sent back in 2012 and I never received another letter or phone call from them. Fast-forward to this week. I finally managed to access my online account for the newer 2004 SLC loan (for the first time). After checking my correspondence there I discovered my address had been changed in 2012, about a month after I sent my final deferment. This had nothing to do with me, nor do I know anything about the address that was added. 4 further letters were sent to this mystery address, including a new deferment application form. Obviously I never received these. Having contacted Thesis I have been told the loans defaulted in 2013 and full payment is now due. I understand people say never to phone a DCA but: I was aware it was way beyond the statute of limitations (11 years since last contact lol) so absolutely would be statute barred. I needed to confirm no CCJs had been raised at the mystery address (the guy said no, but I checked with trust online to be certain). i'm now beyond the 25-year point of the write off (would have been 2019 I believe). But it seems like I'm going to be stuck for life with this because of some random change to my address I was not aware of. Can I do anything about this?
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