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Everything posted by danyboy72

  1. ive managed to log on the MoneyClaim onlince service after receiving errors....very hard to do. ive clicked that i need more time (14days) shall i reject all of the claim?
  2. ive just returned from holiday and have got a MoneyClaim letter - copies attached. what should i do now please?
  3. no - the opposite : her mother kept texting me ...and i never replied to her. the only thing ive done (answering back) is that i sent 1 letter to the cat owner...which was the letter you drafted for me.
  4. bankfodder i dont know when it expired - they didnt say - all they put in their last letter was a handwritten bit at the end that said week commencing 24/04/2023
  5. thanks bankfodder - i will print that off and send it. labrat - no the addresses are not near the barn. as i mentioned a while ago - the owner has lots of feral cats living in the barn (to keep mice away i assume).
  6. thanks to all, does anyone know roughly what i should put in the letter? should i let them know they cant claim the full cost of the cat? or as ftmdave suggested let them mess up their claim by not mentioning it? thanks
  7. thanks labrat - youve done what i was having trouble understanding
  8. sorry bankfodder - i appreciate your help but i havent got a scanner - you told me previously to use adobe scanner app which ive done - i cant help it if the app has scanned them poorly. as theres lots of points/issues with this letter it will be hard to briefly list them but ill try to shorten them tomorrow
  9. this is the letters and bills she has sent me 3 letters merged.pdf appendix 1-21_compressed.pdf
  10. thanks bankfodder, i used the letter you made for me, i sent that letter to them within the 2 weeks of letter of claim and now have received one back(attached above 3 letters pdf) the evidence required was: 1. reports of any work carried out by vets, diagnosis and conclusion. 2. documentation relating to the burial of your pet along with any comparator estimates which you would have obtained in order to decide the most economical way to proceed.(she hasnt supplied a receipt for the jcb digger or any comparator estimates) 3. certain petrol costs. Please let me have receipts and also an explanation of the mileage involved. I would also like clear and accurate documented mileage for your petrol costs and the miles per gallon of the make and model of your car.(she hasnt provided any receipts or acurate milage. she has not also shown any routes taken or provided the make and model to determine the miles per gallon) 4. I notice also that you say that the majority of your expenses have been covered by insurance. Please will you let me know what they are so that I can understand what portion of the money you are seeking from me is represented as a percentage of the total insurance payout. 5. I understand that your deceased pet was a pedigree Bengal. Please supply me with details of pedigree registration, original purchase receipts, and details of the microchip registration. Also any recent veterinary reports relating to the health of the animal. Please would you also supply photographs of the pet before it received any injuries and afterwards. (she has not provided any microchip info or photos of before and afterwards of the animal) 6. Of course it is unusual for a pedigree animal of this kind of value not to be kept inside the home. Maybe you could let me know why on this occasion your pet was out of your house and even to the extent that it was in a public space where it apparently attracted the interest of my dogs. Please could you confirm that the home of the cat is the address from which you are writing and if not what is the address of its usual home.(she has not answered this or confirmed the cats home address - sh also has invoices from a different address)
  11. your right dave - thinking of the most expensive way to bury any pet is the last thing on your mind. no Dave muscle man has probably never done a hard days graft in his life lol, they are just milking it for every expense they can think of
  12. yeah i know nicky...but using a jcb to bury a cat and then not produce a receipt.....sounds suspect to me
  13. dave - they said they paid around £200 to hire a digger to bury the cat ...but hevent got a receipt for it...i reckon they are just ramping up every price they can think of.
  14. hello, yes - ive just received a reply letter (most of it lies, missing receipts, invoices with a different address and no documented milage) i am trying to use adobe scanner and will upload them in a bit. i have since photographed the dilapidated fence that bankfodder requested...it is attached here is the letter i received. points i noticed that are incorrect/havent been answered : 1. i did not attempt to run away. 2. she says i allowed my dogs to trespass on private property which i didnt as it happened on a verge. 3. she is now saying there are another two witnesses - there was no other witnesses apart from her mother and partner that saw it. 4. i was not found running away because i ran towards my dogs! 5. she has not supplied a receipt for the burial costs. she has not supplied any comparator estimates. 6. she hasnt supplied an accurate route or detailed miles travelled in her car or petrol receipts - instead shes said its 145 miles (which i doubt) and that the government say its 45p a mile(which is what the gov says is for income tax not what you can charge other people)....i thought she can only claim what it actually cost her in her car? ,..not a recommended charge for miles for income tax use as it says on the .gov website. she also hasnt supplied the make and model of her car. 7. she hasnt supplied pictures of the cat before and after. 8. she did not confirm that the address from which she is writing is the cats home. 9. she has not explained why the cat was away from her home on that day. 10. some of the vets invoices are a different address ...they start with "the lodge" and are not her address of writing or the field that her mother owns. i will upload the 21 pages of the appendix in a bit. thanks in advance. appendix pages 1 to 10 appendix pages 11 to 18 appendix pages 19 to 21
  15. thanks dave and dx for your understanding and support - much appreciated. quick update - ive just checked the tracking number and its back at the depot as no-one was in to sign for it on the delivery attempt. ive re-scheduled it to be delivered tomorrow of the royal mail website. if they dont accept it should i hand deliver it on saunday as the 14 days is up on monday?
  16. thanks dx100uk...yes your right...you should see some of the texts ive recieved.
  17. i have ignored it bankfodder, thanks - just thought id mention it incase it was a breach of protocol as suggested by labrat. nicky boy - the letter is from the catowner but the mother is doing all the texting/harassing and delivering the letter to my door...ive actually not even seen the cat owner.....and at the time of incident the mother and the catowners partner was there
  18. thanks labrat, ive had a photo text from the catowners mother showing her posting the letter through my letterbox....and ive just had another text message saying "its been a week now...youve got a week left to reply" and other stuff
  19. i dunno - the first time if used any type of forum im not used to all this- thought you were having a pop at me - sorry if you wernt
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