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Everything posted by UmBongo2000

  1. Lowells have just send an email to my wife, looking for me in regard to the debt. Not sure why the email was sent to her as the bank should have my details. They are asking for me to call them, should I get in touch to let them know my Spanish address and to only contact me instead of my wife? Or just ignore the emails also?
  2. Thanks for confirming, I have no assets in the UK at all. Such a weight off my mind!
  3. Thanks for the replies. I just wanted to clarify what I should do, so I can get it straight in my head. 1. Stop all payments, then ignore all letters from the bank to my Spanish address. 2. Also ignore any debt collector communication once the bank has passed the debt on. 3. Wait it out. I know I'm going over the same info, but I just want to make sure I approach this the right way. Thanks again!
  4. I think thats my main concern is if a Spanish company ends up owning the debt, what is the potential worst case scenario?
  5. Hi all, I've been reading the forum and I do like the no nonsense non judgemental approach. I have been living in Spain for over 7 years, all fully legal here. I have a personal loan with First Direct, initially for £20,000 but now its down to £10,000. Problem is my income has dropped dramatically and I can't see it increasing in the near future, I'm struggling to keep up the payments on this debt and I was curious what First Direct could do if I just stopped paying? They have my current address in Spain, it's a house we own with a mortgage on it. This isn't how I would like to do things, but when I have contacted them to discuss changing the payments they have been surprisingly unhelpful. I'm just exploring my options at the moment and any advice would be appreciated.
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