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Everything posted by jmikes

  1. Thanks for your advice dx100uk, I will write to them, my final question should I get a Solicitor to write to them so its on record and the potential claimant cannot dispute my notification? Thanks again
  2. Thank you for your response dx100uk, this is my first ever post. I am in dispute with a conveyancing solicitor, the £1k is for an abortive sale, my challenge to his fees are that I have a counter claim as I relied on information he gave me and unnecessarily waited 8 months for the seller to finally pull out, and in this period I incurred costs as I stayed in short term more expensive accommodation just waiting, if I had the information I asked for I would of aborted the sale immediately. I am not convinced my counter claim is strong and prepare for loosing the case. But I am going abroad now and expect aggressive attempts from this Solicitor to enforce the CCJ, I have no property in the UK, the solicitor I think will try and serve me a N39 to question what assets I have, and as these N39 orders come with a penal notice that worries me. If I am abroad and he gets CCJ, some how manages to get court permission to serve me abroad, Can he issue a N39 order for questioning me if I am abroad, surely a UK order cannot be issued to a non UK resident? I am not to concerned about my UK credit file or having a CCJ.
  3. A Solicitor claims I owe them £1k which I dispute, no Court Proceedings yet. I am going to live abroad shortly and expect court proceedings to be issued in the future when I will be a non UK resident. My question is if the claimant successfully gains a CCJ against me, can he then issue a N39 order against me and could I be required to return to the UK or face prison if I do no not attend, I will be a non UK resident? Any advice on this matter would be great thanks.
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