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Everything posted by mutato-nomine

  1. From what I understood, I should wait until after the holidays? I will update. I wish you BankFodder and everyone Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!
  2. Hello again, I was hoping to get my parcel back and not to have bother you any longer. Unfortunately it didn’t happen. The parcel returned to UK and is sitting in Fedex Stratford since then. I wrote another complain to TNT/FedEx, asking about feedback. Their answer was again full of lies: I have no longer patience to deal with them and their lies. What should be my next step? Is it good idea to report them to the police/action fraud? Expose their criminal behaviour ? Or just fill court claim? Thanks in advance!
  3. Thank you BankFodder. There was a little spark of hope, that I will get it back as I saw it in Madrid yesterday, but then I got update stating: “RETURNED TO SENDER AS AGREED” … ,yet another lie? And now is traveling in France and is close to Paris. I will wait until Monday, but than I have to take some action.
  4. Yeah, I had to learn the hard way. Thank you for your expert advice. I will wait than to see if they return the parcel, and later will sue them. I am ready to fight those criminals. I honestly dont know how such shambolic, unfit for purpose and without any sparks of hope company are still in business. Again, your time and advices are very much appreciated. I will keep you updated!
  5. Its seems it is on the way back to Spain. If it ever arrive, I will have to fly back to get it…so stupid I have backup on older data, but not in the last months, because the house I rented had issues with the WiFi… Anyway, would you still advise me to file a claim. I really dont trust this shambolic company.
  6. I could see with the AirTag that it left Dartford a week ago and it moved to Kingsbury where it stayed for few days, then returned to Dartford again. (Fake) tracking status stated it is in San Fernando de Henares, Spain, and two hours later in Koeln, Germany. I saw it today moving on A2, Dunkirk probably returning to origin.
  7. I understood that, but I declared 1500 only because before filling the customs declaration, I already paid for the insurance valued 1500. I am not a seller, who is dealing every day with shippings and customs declarations. I have learned something through my mistake, but this very mistake is already done.
  8. Oh dear, this does not sound good. I realized it was mistake not paying for full insurance when I started filling the customs declaration/invoice, because than I had to “adapt” the content value to the insured price. If I only knew, what I know now… I would have not done it Few things worth to mention… When the package was collected, the driver didn’t gave me a receipt for the collection, and I asked him to make a photo of his scanning device. Later when I was filing all the evidences, I notice that the parcel was marked as “dangerous goods”. I asked Packlink about this, and they of course ignored my question. This might have caused the delivery issue. One day after the collection, I got an email that the Customs declaration was missing, although it was attached to the parcel. I filled another one and sent it to the shipping company. So far so good, until the parcel arrived in UK. You can see in the file attached just one part of the crazy updates I was getting. Same parcel, different updates. I understand your point of undervaluation and agree with you that I shot myself in the foot. If it comes to the court of course I will not claim 3000 EUR, but the value I put in the customs declaration. I am guilty of a mistake, and I will have to pay the price of it… I know it was not good idea, and if it was me, I wouldn’t have said it, but it was my mom who believes that honesty always wins. She told the FedEx guy that there was a tracking device inside, and his reaction was rather surprised and disappointed, telling her “oh, I see.” I am sure they wanted to make it “disappear”, because they know there is an expensive computer inside, but it would have been too obvious if they steal it and destroy the AirTag. My interest lays more on recovering the parcel (computer) than to go for the money. What do I have to do? I deeply appreciate the time you take to help me and others. 2022-12-15 19-32.pdf
  9. Hello, yes I urgently need the computer. Its a desktop computer iMac ( If it was a laptop, I would have taken it with me.) That is also correct that I wont be satisfied with compensation, because it wont replace the lost data. What most scares me, is that I dont know the state of the package. It was once marked as: damaged/destroyed, and maybe those bandits wanted to steal it, but when my mom told them that there is a tracking device, they got scared. I contracted Packlink while I was in Spain, through the UK site. Whenever I can, I try to avoid spaniards, because I know how terrible they are with customers. My package is not even trackable on Packlink.es, but com/uk, so I guess my contract is not with Spain. Also, as I mention before, I have 2 tracking numbers. One from Packlink, and one from TNT/FedEx. The last Packlink update was on the 22.11.22 return to origin. TNT generated new tracking for the return on the 21.11. which get crazy and false updates almost daily. I can do claim, only if the package is lost or damage and this is where I am stuck.
  10. I am in UK now. As I said, I have been complaining to FedEx and TNT, and I get this response: Packlink is telling me that is pending resolution by TNT and have no updates from them. I will be launching court claim against Packlink in Spain, but the whole problem started here in UK. I am really stuck and dont know what to do. I cannot fill claim, because the parcel is not lost…
  11. Hello BankFodder, thank you for the fast response and apologies for the delayed replay. I used Packlink (uk) for this service, although the parcel was collected in Spain. The tracker has a new battery, and ahould last an year. I selected the TNT service, which is now FedEx, so Fedex is handling all packages. It is very confusing, because when I complain to FedEx, they pass the buck to TNT, they on the other side say I should complain to Packlink. Packlink always respond that they raise the case and wait for update from TNT. Its a devil‘s circle.
  12. Hello guys! First of all, thank you for this forum and for the help you are providing. I have been reading many of the threads with similar issues, but I am still not sure how to proceed. Please apologize my English… I hope I can explain well my case and you can help me. Here we go… On the 25 of October I send a large parcel (32 KG) from Spain to UK, containing my personal computer (iMac 2021) where I keep all my working files and other important information, and personal stuff in total value of 3000 EUR through Packlink using TNT. I paid 135.56 EUR shipping cost for 3 days delivery + 60 EUR insurance for 1500 EUR in case of lost or damage. Declared value on customs declaration / invoice for non commercial was 1500 EUR. After 20 days being held hostage in different depots, my parcel was out for delivery. Later that day, the TNT tracking was stating: RECEIVER REFUSED DELIVERY, which is a total lie as they never contact the receiver (my mom), and Packlink tracking was stating: DESTROYED/DAMAGED. Complaining and asking about the meaning of the same parcel with different tracking statements, TNT responded that Dartford hub re-called the parcel for customs clearance and didn’t had a scanning code for that…no mention about destroyed/damaged stats…Shortly after, they return it to origin without given reason. It was a month ago. Since then my package was for most of the time kept in Dartford hub, with daily false tracking updates, like in transit… visiting different parts of Europe. I know for sure that the updates are false, as I have an AirTag (tracking device) in the parcel and I can see that the parcel never left Dartford. I have been contacting almost daily TNT/FedEx and Packlink (mail, telephone, chat) only to read their automatic written apologies. I have record of all the communication and screenshots of the parcel location, which can prove the falsehood of their tracking updates. This situation is causing me big financial lost as it stops me from working and enormous stress. Needless to say how mentally tortured I am from this situation, I am also unsure what I can do to get some solution and justice. I cannot fill claim, as my parcel is not marked as LOST. This forum and the expert advice is my last hope. Any advice is appreciated! Thank you in advance for your help! Jana
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