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Everything posted by Hunter779

  1. The council tax debt was from a previous address 2-3 years ago and a different local council. What I meant was I think I did apply to that council for council tax support, but they refused any support because my UC claim had been wrongfully refused. It took UC many months to sort out my claim, when I should have been in receipt of UC about 9 months sooner. Sorry if that wasn't clear before, I am suffering from sleep deprivation. Online support really is the easiest option for me regarding help with drafting court documents and forms.
  2. what date did the court order state this should have happened by? It didn't, it was just a notice of hearing giving time and date of hearing. send them an sar .....prove it i will guess you paid them something as you would not be entitled to 100% relief? Ok I will do. I was paying up to a point and then defaulted on everything. I had a problem claiming universal credit and it took them many months to sort out UC claim. I think I applied to the council for council tax assistance but they wouldn't help.
  3. Going to shelter or anywhere else would be a million times more difficult for me. I will have to do it myself and if can possibly have some help from forum to draft properly pleaded documents and help with court procedures, that would be very helpful and much appreciated. As for the bailiff / HCEO issues, I dispute both of those debts. The council tax I should have been eligible for CT discount/relief at the time, so I don't believe I owe that debt. The HCEO for past rent arrears I fully dispute and had a counterclaim against the claimant. The court process went on for several months and I was struggling to present evidence and written statements to the court and it got to a point where I couldn't cope with it, due to health problems and was also by then having to deal with more priority problems with current landlord, so that took precedence I failed to file my evidence and witness statement in time, or attend the final hearing, so judgement was then automatically awarded to the claimant. I am not sure if there is any option for me to set aside the judgment at all. I am very clueless with court matters. As for the possession, there are now hundreds of pages of documents, I will go through them properly when I can and provide exact dates if you need them. The S21 notice was served in May. I didn't move out within the timeframe Rent arrears accrued after the S21 was served I then received S8 notice I received accelerated possession court papers in September I filed a defence and counterclaim A hearing was ordered for 5 December I didn't receive claimants reply to my defence until 28 November I filed N244 application and help with fees application on the morning of the hearing I didn't send N244 to the claimant, as with previously filed documents the court said they would send them to the claimant on my behalf, and it asks on the N244 application who it should be served to, and I ticked claimant, so presume they were provided with a copy. I will email the court tomorrow to ask what happened. I will need to tell you the entire story of the tenancy to help you understand all of the disputes. I will do that as soon as I can, as it might take a while to write.
  4. I would obviously prefer to not have to deal with this right now, but would like to do anything possible to stop the current enforcement action against me. If I could have any help with that also, I would appreciate. I think I mentioned in earlier post that I currently receive Universal Credit, so would be applying for help with fees as well. What do you think my chances might be that the judge has granted another hearing at a later date / extension of time to file defence and evidence? In the event of possession order being made, do I have any option to appeal it or set aside?
  5. you need to write to the claimant with evidence of your condition from a doctor or a hospital consultant. The claimant was sent evidence of this in writing from doctor before it even got to court stage and also throughout court process. good exactly what they should have done, sadly this only underlines what i've already advised above No, that is absolutely NOT what they should have done and was done solely to harass with intent to cause distress. They lied to the Police. I subsequently made a formal complaint to the HCEO company and a SAR, which included their telephone transcripts/notes of telephone conversation with me, which is totally inaccurate and does not reflect the actual conversation that took place at all. There was absolutely nothing said that would warrant calling the Police for an emergency welfare check. I do have the actual telephone recorded. If they had any genuine concern, they would not have subsequently sent their HCEO to the address. opps so you've never felt the need to get this in writing before from anyone? Yes there have been previous letters from doctor and also fit notes as evidence. you are very articulate, you are very clever, but you are hoping your mental health issues will continue be used as a cure all excuse for your actions or in-actions to date and everyone will simply accept your perceived issues.... that is not the case unless you do things properly. No, my health conditions are caused by the actions of others. There are no "perceived issues", and there is nothing more infuriating than people who dismiss mental health conditions as "imagined" simply because they don't understand or suffer from the same conditions themselves. It is pure ignorance. These are very real, and very serious clinically diagnosed chronic health conditions and people who refuse to take mental health conditions seriously are pig ignorant and reckless. Please stop insulting, judging me and berating me like a child, because I cannot tolerate it and that is clearly NOT going to help me. Stop it. the repo is your top priority. forget everything else. Yes it is, however I would also like to take any steps possible to stop the current debt enforcement action, due to the very severe impact it is having on my health. I read on another thread something about an N245 to stop enforcement and although I would prefer not to have to deal with this on top of everything else I am trying to cope with, I feel I need to do that. we need the full details of the section 21 and a full scan of all documents in/out to date from bothsides, suitably redacted to ONE MASS PDF FILE ONLY Yes I would very much appreciate help with the possession. I am sorry but I do not have a scanner and there are hundreds of pages and documents and I do not see how I could possibly provide you with that. I can explain as best I can and provide you with as much detailed information as I can, if that would be sufficient? The current situation is that I filed a last minute N244 asking the judge for adjournment and more time, as I was not able to attend the hearing on Monday due to ill health. I do not yet know the outcome of the hearing, and can only hope that the judge has ordered a later hearing, so that I can provide adequate evidence and properly pleaded documents and more time to secure alternative accommodation.
  6. Yes just single person and pets. Yes I have informed them in writing, although clearly not sufficiently enough. The formal complaints don't seem to do much good either. Is there any appropriate letter template for this kind of situation that I can send to them all? Before the HCEO visit yesterday, they previously sent me a warning letter of impending visit. I contacted them to try and prevent them visiting my address and stated that I have mental health conditions and their contact is severely exacerbating my health conditions. Their response was to make a false, malicious 999 call to Police to do an emergency welfare check. I then had the Police turn up harassing me. They are utterly terrorising me and making me ill. Then the HCEO made a visit yesterday and he was nasty & aggressive, even from outside the property. My GP could write a letter on my behalf. The problem is it is literally impossible to get even an emergency doctors appointment at the moment, so that could take weeks to get a letter.
  7. Yes I obviously realise that, which is why I am fighting for my life to try and stop or delay the eviction, to give me enough time to secure alternative accommodation, to avoid being on a park bench at Christmas. I have pets. I assumed you would know it was S21, as accelerated possession can only be S21. Its easy to say ignore them and I expect people might not be too bothered by them. For me personally it is utterly terrorising and severely distressing. Are there not any laws or regulations preventing enforcement action or harassment from DCA/HCEO/Bailiffs against vulnerable people with mental health conditions or disability?
  8. I will check credit file when I am able to. Any simple task right now is taking me a long time and I cannot deal right now with checking credit file. I do know it is bad. I believe I have several CCJs and I think default on the car finance happened about 2 years ago. The finance was registered at an address 3-4 home moves ago. I haven't received any correspondence about it for quite a while. I would prefer not to contact them at the moment, because I don't have the time or energy and struggling to cope with more urgent matters. And also don't really want to draw attention to the debt, as it may trigger another immediate visit from another debt collector. If there is any way I can stop the current active visits from HCEO / Bailiff, such as a letter, or applying for restraining order, I would like to do that, as I expect they will be back again soon, and it really is affecting my health very badly and would be a huge weight off my shoulders to stop them somehow, as dealing with the possession and other matters is stressful enough. Any advice appreciated? The possession is a bit of a long story. To sum up, I was served S21 eviction notice solely because I was too ill with Covid and various other physical and mental health conditions to accommodate a property inspection on their demand. There is also a lot more to the story. They then filed an accelerated possession claim. I filed a defence and counterclaim and there are many issues in dispute. A hearing was ordered, which took place yesterday. I filed a last minute N244 application to adjourn and for extension of time, as I was not able to attend on health grounds. I have not received any contact from the court since then
  9. The car insurance is through a third party broker. My current main priorities are dealing with the current debt collectors visiting the address, and ideally preventing them taking my car and obviously the possession claim. If the finance company were imminently planning to seize the car from current address, then I would have received either a letter, or a visit to address from them. I need to focus on the immediate current threats only, which is challenging enough already
  10. Ok, I will have to bury my head in the sand for now then regarding the car and the current active visits from bailiffs & HCEOS for other debts. Yes more than 1/3 of car finance paid for, but possible they could have more recently sent court papers to previous address and I have no knowledge of. My car insurance is with the same company that the car finance is with, so I assume they have my current address. I am more concerned with the immediate current threats and visits regarding other debts. Yes is a private landlord claiming possession. I was unable to attend the hearing yesterday due to ill health. I filed a N244 asking adjournment and more time. I have not received any correspondence yet from the court as to the outcome of that
  11. I am not concerned with the finance company right now, as they are not the immediate threat. I just need to know the answers to my questions. Is the car still considered to be on finance? Or would the debt have been sold to a DCA? What steps can I take to stop current visits from bailiffs/HCEO for other debts, to prevent then clamping, or taking away my car?
  12. I didn't say any of my post was unopened. And sadly, under the circumstances, I currently don't have the time or energy to work steadily towards resolving
  13. I still don't understand, regarding a car debt, is the car still on finance, or has the debt been sold and no longer on finance? I need to know if I should expect the council tax bailiff or the HCEO to clamp, or seize the car in the immediate future? And is there any way I can prevent that happening, such as a letter to the HCEO and the council tax bailiff? I am of the understanding that for council tax debt it is a bailiff and not a DCA. Please clarify? I didn't follow advice from anywhere else regarding cease and desist, or formal complaint. I just did what I thought was best at the time. Following my text to the HCEO, he then immediately began harassing me by phone and demanding I speak to him. Amongst other things, I told him via text to go way off.. and then made a formal written complaint to the company. The visit from these bailiffs/HCEO is causing me severe distress and I would like to take any action to make it stop immediately. Is there anything I can do to stop further visits? As I cannot cope with it and would have no way of paying a fee to release the car from seizure, or any means to purchase another car. The possession is for private rental and is an accelerated possession claim. I do not understand what an N11M pack is, but would now like to ensure my car is not clamped, or removed in the immediate future, as this is causing me huge distress and interfering with my ability to deal with the possession.
  14. If they did a finance check, would it show as still being on finance, as the car is also in hands of a debt collector? If they did a finance check, would that show them the amount outstanding on the car? And if they considered the current value of the car to exceed the amount outstanding on finance, do they have any power to sieze the car? The HCEO who visited yesterday was also looking in my car windows. I sent a cease and desist text to the mobile number on the letter posted by the HCEO and also made a formal complaint via email to the HCEO company. My only option is bankruptcy, but I cannot afford the fee and cannot deal with that at the moment. In the meantime I just would like to know if there is any way I can stop any further visits from bailiffs / debt collectors, so that I can focus on dealing with possession
  15. The visits from bailiffs and HCEO is making me extremely ill and also making my mental health condition much worse. I would just like to know if they return to the address and I don't engage with them at all, do they still have the power to seize my car anyway? And also is there any way I can stop any further visits from them, as the added stress is preventing me being able to deal properly with the possession, which is what I need to be able to focus on.
  16. Between £5000 - £10,000. I do use it for work. I am self-employed, although currently receiving UC due to low income. I am also disabled, although I don't have a blue badge. The car is on finance with the amount outstanding probably about the same as current value. The car debt is also in the hands of debt collector. Does that mean the car still belongs to the finance company and the debt collector is employed on their behalf to collect debt, or would the debt have been sold to the debt collection agency? Would the car still be considered to be on finance?
  17. Could somebody please advise, can a bailiff / debt collector seize my car, without having established who owns it or if it is on finance? I don't want to engage at all with them if they return to the address. Can they still remove a vehicle from the driveway if I don't speak to them at all? Is there any way I can stop any further visits to the address from debt collectors, without making any payment agreement, as I cannot afford to pay anything?
  18. That is so ignorant. I have made every effort with every debt to communicate and deal with it to avoid CCJs and being chased by debt collectors. If somebody cannot pay, I don't know what else you expect I could or should have done to deal with it. Yes, the possession hearing IS the current biggest priority, which is exactly why the enforcement notice would have been thrown in the other pile. However following the 2 debt collection visits today, I only came on to ask about that. I am sorry but cannot tolerate being berated and don't feel able to communicate properly with somebody so judgemental
  19. I would presume yes it did get sent to current address and was thrown in the pile with hundreds of other demands. I have barely slept for days, so not willing right now to sift through piles of paperwork. Thank you for answering my question, but If i'm going to get called stupid, I will leave this site. There is no need to be so judgemental and I have not run away from my debts. I have also been dealing with a possession hearing today. As I said in first post, I cannot afford to pay anything. I have contacted the council and the bailiffs telling them I have mental health conditions, financial hardship and dispute the alleged debts. The HCEO is for past rent arrears of approx £10,000
  20. I think I probably did. I have hundreds of letters from them and various demand letters and enforcement notices coming out of my eyeballs. I have moved home several times in the last 2 years, but never takes them long to catch up. Also had a visit today from HCEO for a different debt, who stalked around outside for 15 minutes, spying through windows, snooping in private parcel box and shouting aggressively up at security camera. The council tax bailiff stuck the letter today on the outside of my door, rather than post through the letterbox directly in front of him. Are you sure they can't get a warrant to force entry with a locksmith to take goods? As I thought they can do that for council tax debt? What about my car outside?
  21. I had a visit today from bailiff collecting old council tax debt from 2-3 years ago. The bailiff posted an enforcement letter and states if I do not arrange payment they will remove goods for public auction. I cannot afford to pay anything. Can they force entry with a warrant/locksmith? If so would I receive any notice of when that might happen, or do they just turn up randomly?
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