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  1. I absolutely don't use it as an excuse and I think your missing my point . I won't allow her to ever use that as an excuse . My point and problem is they refused to speak to or contact a minors parents. Surly they need to call either me or the police to be able to hold her . Made a complaint to head office just now and they have said it was completely handled wrong .
  2. My 11 year old daughter was caught stealing sweets in sainsburys... absolutely not okay! However my issue is with how it was handled and I have no idea who's right and who is wrong . They refused to let her leave so she called me crying, she suffers with adhs, autism and ptsd I asked her to pass the phone to staff member so I could explain that- while I was on my way down, they refused to speak to me! 15 minutes later I got there and she was beside herself with male staff members around which she couldn't cope with . I absolutely lost my cool. They did not contact police yet still held her and refused to speak to me until I got there after she called me in hysterics .
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