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  1. Thanks I only have the 2 old debts from my first marriage which i pay £1 a month and have done so since about 2009. When i looked in to it a few years ago, it was suggested that as i had acknowledged the debt by paying £1 a month, and therefore if i defaulted on the £1 a month payment, then it would be a new default and therefore possible for them to pursue me for the full amount so i just kept paying £1 a month. All of the other debts didn't catch up with me until i was settled and went back on the electoral register in about 2016 so i was no longer chased for any of them. Yes I am green when it comes to debt. I had never been in debt before and ended up homeless in 2009. Since I got back on my feet, i now have credit cards and loans which I am servicing and using month to month without issue. Googling this time around has just given me a massive list of companies who will represent my debt in exchange for a fee... which looks a minefield. If you are suggesting I should request CCA requests to the 2 creditors from 2009 then I will do so and see what happens.
  2. If I stop paying, can they not still pursue me for the full amount? My credit rating is now actually very good (thanks in part to all of the old debts either being settled, statute barred or just taking the £1 a month.) Is the CCA request to check that they actually have copies of the original debt and not just my name and details on an excel spreadsheet?
  3. I have a very old debt which was originally with Tesco (credit card) which was in my name but I had a second card on my account for my now ex-wife, who went on a spending spree, taking it up to its limit (£3500). I didn't even realise what had happened, I had moved out of the family home and was sofa surfing. it was about a year later that I received a hessian sack full of mail which she had been holding. There were lots of debts in there, which I tried to sort out as best I could, making goodwill payments. I was homeless for 14 months and agreed a £1 a month standing order with (I think it was robinson way) on behalf Tesco. I have carried on paying the £1 a month and the debt has transferred to different companies. The debt no longer appears as a default on my credit history as i have made the £1 payments since the agreement began. I had completely forgotten about it! some of the debts from back then were written off, some I managed to pay off and another one (HSBC i think) i also still pay £1 a month to an agent. I've moved on with my life, but the 4 children from that marriage all ended up living with me, I remarried and then had another 2 children. We live in my dads house (with him) and pay him rent and bills. Most recently, the debt was with Debt Manager Services Limited and the £1 Sanding Order has always gone out but I got a letter earlier this month that the debt had been purchased by Intrum UK and that i needed to contact them. The letter stated that all payments since May of this year have been going to Intrum. Today, I received a letter expressing Intrum's disappointment that I have not been in contact with them. They have not provided any alternative bank details for continuing to pay the £1 a month. They have an online portal but it wants all sorts of financial information for the entire household which I'm simply not going to be able to provide. From what I understand, this would be considered a very low value debt and has changed hands so many times that its actual value is a fraction of the £3425 that I owe.. so I could offer a lump sum partial settlement, or continue paying the £1 a month. Should I just keep paying the £1 on the standing order and assume they have purchased the business and its bank accounts and therefore are still receiving it?
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