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Robert Roberts

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Everything posted by Robert Roberts

  1. Hi, First of all, this is a seriously impressive website and it's content has been a great comfort to me. I have read up on the EVRI sections, but just have a simple query if I may. Situation * Parcel contained Laptop, phone, electronic keys and cables - a mix of items, some excluded in their eyes some not. Insured it for £500. Evri website did not refuse description re excluded items, where it 100% had before for me. Think I stated Laptop in the main. I paid for insurance, they took my money. They have stated 'parcel lost'. Researching this, it could indicate theft at depot? Only managed to get communications going after I emailed the CEO. Question * They are obviously refusing to pay, so I just need to understand what my process should be and specifically the order of events, as have read a few case studies with Evri already on here. Is it the following 1) I send a written letter recorded delivery to them with proof of signature, so I have evidence that they have received my communication? 2) then it seems that I give them the chance to respond and settle with me - correct? Do I state this in the letter or would it mean a follow up letter? 3) if they don't want to do that - do I then file a claim via someone like MCOL - from this link MCOL - Money Claim Online - Welcome WWW.MONEYCLAIM.GOV.UK are these the best people to use? Do I have this right in terms of what I need to do? Many thanks !
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