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Everything posted by Nillbypost

  1. Thank you. I rose all my doubts and complaints about not having depot address and consumer rights mentioning that I was in touch here also. They seemed to listen and I believe are not too happy with the delivery drivers conduct and have had other complaints also. And they will track and hopefully return or deliver the items I am missing also. And I have saved their phone number...an actual number that may work when you call. Thank you
  2. .Two Blu Ray DVD's £55 . 3 Counselling books £72 . Braclet £8 . metal plaque £15 .Two vinyl albums £85 .rare vinyl album £125 .Waistcoat £20 . Shoes £35 Now, strangely enough I have just got off the phone with an Evri employee who has called about my complaints into the drivers conduct. They are going to send me an email with everything that is missing and all the numbers and also have the details of the employee. Seems they are doing something due to my complaints back up and one of my employers being a large film company..who say they will get involved. Watch this space Thank you for your time
  3. No, I have not been refunded on 'all items' just one item that was returned to a seller. I have the evidence that things were sent back or at a depot because tracking information tells me this and also states that items were sent back from depot..because I didn't receive them at my door.. 15 items so far that I know of have not been delivered to our address.
  4. Items that were returned from 'the depot' were £20 each and I am still trying to get one of the sellers to just refund as they have, three times now, sent again via Evri and of course it does not arrive. Items range from £20 to £35 And more. Even two DVD's which are hard to find were £55 each. If this were the post office it would still be a crime for miss direction or theft of mail..it is still illegal to stop interfere with post..so you are saying Evri can just bypass this?
  5. Dad's, clothing, counselling books, jewlery, records all the things that can be sold on an auction site that they have seemed to have been attached to. Also items sent that I don't know what they are as they are promotional materials for film work, Counselling and various other jobs. I know that items were sent back to sellers from a depot claiming that I had sent it back, but they had not got to my door at all..I am seeing it as theft which I thought was a crime in this day and age. Holding items at a base without knowledge of a seller or buyer is theft..
  6. That is something I shall not be doing here..I have all the tracking numbers..sellers details and amounts which I will be using.. I have sent a complaint under 'Driver Misconduct' and I keep updating the email reply with the tracking numbers and the fact that they are at a depot.
  7. I have done this and they are giving me the merry go round for the past four weeks..
  8. I wonder what can be done with Evri drivers when they think they can just blacklist you? I approach a local lady Evri driver and asked very politely, not to leave my parcels in the rain or at our front door which faces out onto the high street. We have a 'Safe space' market on every site and page and the Post office always and I mean always, put them there..so why not Evri drivers. Since I asked her not to leave things at the door, even hanging one item off the handle and I could see it from yards away when I got home.. So, I'm getting tracking which tells me things are at a depot, or have been sent back to a seller who then tells me to stop doing it..but it's not even got to me. Now, there ate over hundred a of pounds worth of stuff laying in a depot near me, but I don't know where it is. does anyone have any real addresses of 'depots?'
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