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Everything posted by DxnM

  1. Finally got my payout (albeit two days late!) so I feel comfortable to share a little more about how the call went. TLDR: Predictably they played it very well from their side, they started with a super low offer and incrementally increased which made it seem like I was being unreasonable by not dropping my expectations, the mediator seemed to put quite a lot of pressure on me to negotiate, eventually settled for £1,280 which I've calculated as just slightly more than I would have got if it was delivered and eBay took their selling fees so I am happy with the outcome. They started with an offer of £200 which was obviously outrageously low, I countered with they're liable for the full amount through rights of third parties, I don't see why they shouldn't cover the whole cost since they are liable. They came back with £500 to which I said the same thing. The mediator reminded me that by agreeing to mediation I agreed to compromise, I said I would compromise if they could give me a valid reason as to why they should pay less than the full amount, she didn't seem to impressed with that and went back to them. Next I think they offered £800 as their 'final' offer, when I said that wasn't enough the mediator asked me what offer I would accept, I was a little on the spot and said £1,200, I probably should have said higher but I was feeling a bit under pressure for refusing to negotiate while they were raising their offer. I think they then said £1,000 and I reiterated my £1,200 but added that I was expecting the legal fees on top, I thought that was assumed but apparently not. They then offered £1,280 and I agreed to that, I was tempted to bump it up again but I thought it'd look like I was taking the p**s. As I put above the £1280 is just slightly more than I would have got had the delivery have been successful and ebay had taken their fees, even if I factor in legal costs and interest etc so I'm happy. I think I could probably have pushed it slightly further and maybe got the full amount but the mediator was putting a lot of pressure on me and frankly I couldn't afford to delay this again to take it to court so I settled with what I think was a reasonable settlement. Thank you all for your help, especially BankFodder! Apologies for the formatting of this I've tried to remember as much as I could, it's a bit rambling.
  2. I had my mediation session today and agreed a settlement for the majority of the lost funds. It was slightly less than the full amount but if I'm realistic about it, it's more than I would have got had the camera been delivered and ebay had taken their fees so I'm happy. The settlement stipulates confidentiality so I'm hesitant to share too much more (at least until the money is sent over), I don't want to give them any reasons to make things more difficult. I will update with anything further that I can, and thank you all so much for your help.
  3. I have got my notification through today to confirm my mediation call on the 23rd Jan. I will make sure to read through as many of these posts as I can and prepare a sheet of talking points to make sure I make my case well. I've got a really busy few weeks with exams so I probably won't get around to do this until the 16th but once it's done I will post what I have here so you can advise of anything I'm missing.
  4. I can't see any further updates since the DQ's were sent out in November Recent Transactions for Claimant Claim History You submitted a claim on 05/11/2022 at 14:45:46 Your claim was issued on 07/11/2022 EVRi PARCELNET LIMITED filed an acknowledgment of service on 09/11/2022 at 16:05:15 A bar was put in place for EVRi PARCELNET LIMITED on 29/11/2022 EVRi PARCELNET LIMITED filed a defence on 29/11/2022 at 16:05:06 DQ sent to EVRi PARCELNET LIMITED on 30/11/2022 Am I looking in the wrong place? I keep on top of my emails and post etc and I've not had any correspondence since the DQ was sent to me
  5. I returned the DQ mid december, should I have heard anything by now? I sent it tracked so I know it arrived on time, is there anyone I can contact about it?
  6. The DQ came through yesterday, no new information as far as I can tell. Am I right in thinking mediation is the way to go? Is there anything I should be aware of or any specifics I need to include?
  7. Thank you for responding so quickly, I apologise for not sorting my PDFs correctly I have tried to read through a fair few of these already and I will re familiarise myself with it all again. Unfortunately it's come at very poor timing personally as I am studying for exams for the next 10 days but I will try to get my head around it the best I can. I had mentioned the rights of third parties multiple times in emails to Evri but you are right that was an oversight on my behalf to leave that off my initial complaint, I will make sure to bring this back up at the next opportunity. It is a very good point that they are disingenuously pretending they are unaware of the act, I will make sure to use that point. In relation to the redacting I wasn't totally sure which information I would be allowed to share. This is my first time doing something like this so I decided to only show information that would be otherwise publicly available. Thanks again for your help, I will keep this forum post updated with any developments while I research previous claims.
  8. I sold a vintage film camera on eBay on the 5th October for £1,350. Regrettably I used Evri due to living very near a drop off spot that is open late making them very convenient for someone working 9-5. Long story short they lost the parcel and now I am now trying to claim compensation. The tracking was as shown below Date Time Status 11/10/2022 07:24 Delay, please allow 24 hours 10/10/2022 10:14 Return to sender requested 08/10/2022 22:57 At the national sorting hub 07/10/2022 20:22 Entered the Evri network 06/10/2022 18:42 Dropped off at the ParcelShop 06/10/2022 18:17 Order placed Interestingly a return to sender was supposedly requested even though I didn't, and it would make no sense for the buyer to have done this even if they had the ability to have. Evri strung me and the buyer on for weeks saying they hadn't lost it until finally admitting it was lost, at which point I refunded the buyer. Having read through a bunch of these I acknowledged going after Packlinked was a lost cause, regardless I tried over email to both Packlink and Evri and only received the £25 + shipping from Packlink (despite not asking for it or accepting their offer). Evri predictably pushed me off to Packlink. I decided my next move would be to go through MCOL so I raised a complaint on the 5th Nov to Evri which was acknowledged on 9th Nov and finally responded to on 29th Nov. I used a template complaint I found on this forum (attached) and I will attach their response to this message. I would appreciate if you could advice me on what will happen next and what I need to be aware of. Claim History You submitted a claim on 05/11/2022 at 14:45:46 Your claim was issued on 07/11/2022 EVRi PARCELNET LIMITED filed an acknowledgment of service on 09/11/2022 at 16:05:15 A bar was put in place for EVRi PARCELNET LIMITED on 29/11/2022 EVRi PARCELNET LIMITED filed a defence on 29/11/2022 at 16:05:06 DQ sent to EVRi PARCELNET LIMITED on 30/11/2022 Any help would be appreciated my claimform+Evri Defence.pdf
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