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  1. Morning all, thought I’d quickly update. To my surprise, I’ve been let off with a warning, no fine, no nothing which I’m completely gobbed about, doesn’t seem to fit any pattern of response I’ve found online. I sent another letter two weeks after the one I posted here again reiterating how sorry I was, the impact it was having on my mental health and the impact it would have on my job (the latter was odd as seems they mention this is discriminatory, taking it into consideration), they asked me for evidence for both which I sent and case was closed. does this mark a change in policy? I didn’t get a SJP which I was expecting but never came (odd), or did I have a lenient person dealing my case (think this played a big factor)? also side point, did a lot of research and talking to people. If you’re convicted of a byelaw (which seems everyone is) it isn’t a criminal record since it’s a non-recordable offence, meaning doesn’t show up on dbs, can but highly unlikely to show up on enhanced dbs, basically been told repeatedly that it’ll have no impact on your life, just a fine. but maybe my case is a policy change, because not even getting a fine is nuts? But I also think these cases rely depend on the person dealing with the case, but Worth barring in mind the former.
  2. I wish I could, but my anxiety always makes me think the worst, could one of the site team please remove the first post or take out parts of it? again I’m really sorry for how annoying I am.
  3. So it’s not possible, if it is possible I’d really appreciate it. apologies for being incredibly annoying, it really isn’t my intention at all, I’m just really scared.
  4. Thanks dx, are you able to edit or delete the first initial post? I’m very worried they’ll come onto this thread and see what I’ve said, really playing up with my anxiety.
  5. Nothing happened to them as they gave a fake name and address. My father is on state pension. is there anything else I can do to strengthen my letter if it isn’t up to scratch? And will the medical evidence be of any use about my past issues? From what dx is saying I’m in big trouble regardless? If it really is as serious as fraud is it worth getting a solicitor my head is gone,
  6. Thanks Dx. Honestly I was never aware it would lead to prosecution, had I known this I’d have never used it. I’ve looked at the previous threads and I’ve written the response in line with those. Is there anything I can do in the mean time and what do you think would be the best approach? Why I did it being the increasingly difficult times having to help my parents keep up with gas payments, food payments, paying for my sisters travel card all of this is making it difficult to pay for transport for myself.
  7. Thanks HB, will hold tight for now then. How long do they usually take to get back? I'm absolutely paralysed at the thought of getting a criminal record and as a Civil Servant i'll lose my job.
  8. Thanks both, I have not used it too much in the last 2 months if it goes back that far. this is what I drafted up and sent across: I firstly want to thank TFL for giving me the chance to explain my behaviour. I appreciate the seriousness and stupidity of what I have done and I deeply apologise for my actions. I hope to explain how a prosecution would leave myself and my family in an incredibly tough situation. My actions are inexcusable; I know that TFL are only able to operate if everyone pays their fare and I feel so guilty about attempting to breach public trust, I haven’t been able to sleep as a result. As a Civil Servant, my job requires a high level of integrity and I have to get (enhanced) security checks as a result of my posting. According to my terms of employment I’d be obligated to report if I’m being prosecuted and a conviction would result in me losing my job. I am currently supporting my parents financially which has become increasingly difficult with the rising costs and inflation, the loss of my job would financially devastate me and my family. I have previously suffered with suicidal thoughts, depression along with anxiety. I previously suffered from panic attacks during the ages 18-19 and whilst there is no excuse for my behaviour I’d like to explain that since being stopped and questioned by the Revenue Protection Officer I have been thinking nothing but the worst and there has been a return of my panic attacks as I have been incredibly worried about the potential consequences of being prosecuted and consequently losing my job and not being able to support my family. I know this does not excuse my behaviour and I’d like to sincerely apologise to the specific officer and TFL for that, but I fear the heightened stress of being prosecuted, coupled with previous mental health issues will see me slip back into my suicidal tendencies. My mother has also been unable to sleep since receiving the letter for fear of the consequences this will have on us all. I am also now carrying the guilt of putting an added and unnecessary stressor on my mother and seeing her in the current state she is in is again enough of a deterrent and I can only imagine how her health will deteriorate should I be prosecuted. I have never been in trouble with the law in the past and I ensure that I won’t be in the future. I have already put money aside to ensure that I from now on budget for my TFL fares which I will continue to do and I swear that I will never do this again. I am happy to make immediate payment of the fares that I did not pay and any incurred costs that my actions have caused. Whilst I know what I did was wrong and I’d really like the opportunity to make amends, I think a prosecution/conviction would have an unfair and disproportionate impact on my health, my employment, and supporting my family. I hope that I’ve explained myself well and provided enough evidence, if you need anything further from me to help you reach your decision please let me know. Thank you again. I just want to reiterate how deeply sorry and regretful I am for what I have done and I swear as mentioned above that I will never ever do this again, the fear, shock and reality of the consequences of it all will forever deter me from ever doing this again. And yes the card was confiscated
  9. Hi, Hope you're all well. I was recently stopped by a ticket inspector, caught using a relatives freedom pass. Having gone through the threads I am in fear that they will see that I have been using it for years. Someone else was stopped a few months ago using the freedom pass however they gave a fake name and address and i was wondering whether that now this is a new card and that someone else had already been stopped using it (not me and they were a woman) that that may be my saving grace as it can't be tracked? I have written a letter which I have sent back today using the numerous templates. I mentioned that I support my parents and family financially, that I previously suffered from suicidal thoughts, depression and anxiety and fear that this will be brought back (have started having anxiety attacks and thoughts again already). I put together an remorseful letter outlining the above and that i'll never do it again and will pay a fine etc. I am absolutely bricking it, i had no clue it could lead to a criminal record and I am fearing for my job, livelihood, everything i'm in an absolute state of shock and do not know what to do.
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