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Everything posted by EllieTupz

  1. Please help i own a large vehicle which I left with a transport company that was supposed to undertake the work to get it ready for its plating. I received a letter from DVLA to say someone had applied for a V5c on my vehicle. I contacted them and found out that it was sold without my permission by another dealer. I contacted the police and reported it stolen. The police rang me and asked briefly what had happened and never contacted me for almost 3 months despite numerous calls and a complaint, the police called and asked if I had £2000 and then said it was a misunderstanding and I could get my vehicle back upon payment. They gave me a number to call and said it was now a civil matter despite initially recording it as a stolen vehicle. The person who had now got my vehicle wanted even more money and refused to say where he was storing it. DVLA have now issued a V5 to the man. I have all the documents of ownership etc and I have an audio recording that he admits he has no documents or bill of sale etc. what can I do? The police received no documentation from either company during their non existent investigation which has took 4 months
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