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  1. Looks like the bank hasn’t approved the chargeback request as they said that I’ve received the product I purchased (the gift card) and what Curry’s is doing isn’t connected to the purchase of the card. too bad
  2. Alright fair enough. Currys said it’ll take 14-21 working days to ‘investigate’ this issue before sending a refund. I’ve already filed for a chargeback. I know it may be a naive question but - should I put the chargeback on hold and wait or keep it in place in case they try to stall? Also, would telling Currys that I filed for a chargeback help in resolving the issue faster or will they not care or will it harm my chances of the chargeback going through?
  3. I’ve never done a chargeback, once the bank approves the chargeback, how long do they have to reverse it? I’d be scared to use this money with the fear of a reversal haha
  4. Would I be unable to ask questions on the forum for things that I wouldn’t find elsewhere? (Eg. If my chargeback request is approved, what does one do with Currys? Do you just inform them of the chargeback or just cut contact completely) I wouldn’t want to waste anyone’s time, just confused about the whole situation and trying to do my best to understand what to do, that’s all
  5. Oh I’m sorry about that, I wasn’t aware that resolver does the same things, I just thought it was a website used to contact the companies directly to file complaints.. I also didn’t know that Resolver gets paid.. Shall I just close the claim as unresolved on resolver and email customer support instead? I’d rather be able to ask questions on this forum than use a service as I’d prefer to know what I’m actually doing
  6. Thanks for the answer! Sent Monzo a detailed chargeback request, hope it’ll work. Im trying to send them a letter before court claim on Resolver.co.uk The template I found online is saying the goods did not match their description under the consumer rights act 2015. I never received the item AND the item that I was supposedly sent was not the item I ordered according to my Currys account on their website. How would it be phrased in such a case? It technically didn’t match the description but I never even received the item to begin with! PS. I should mention that they gave a £100 refund initially when they sent the wrong iPhone on the ground that the iPhone 14 pro that they sent was £100 cheaper than the 14 pro max I actually ordered (they sent it immediately when they sent the phone, showing they intentionally sent a different phone than what I ordered). I mentioned it in the chargeback claim for the sake of accuracy.
  7. So I should try getting a chargeback regardless for the gift card then? Even if it was purchased via edenred? I never received the phone!! I ordered a 14 pro max, then got an email saying it’s not available in the colour I ordered and that they’d send it in purple. Then I saw on my currys account that they sent a purple 14 pro (not pro max). DPD sent me an email saying the phone is in my local depot. I called currys to tell them I don’t want anything to do with this phone and want it sent back without ever touching it, they called DPD and DPD sent it from their local depot back to curry’s (I.e. I never received the phone). The problem is that I never had anything to do with the phone that supposedly got lost as it never came to my address but the depot before being sent back at the instruction of currys.
  8. I haven’t tried as it was a separate website for the gift card (I think it was called Edenred). Would that still be allowed?
  9. Hi guys, I pre-ordered an iPhone 14 pro MAX from Curry’s online on 10.9.22 with an expected shipping date of 16.9.22. I paid with a Currys gift card I purchased via debit card (which is why I haven’t been able to do a chargeback, I guess it was a rookie mistake buying a gift card). On 19.9.22 I was sent (without my consent) an iPhone 14 PRO (not pro max). When I realized it was the wrong phone via my Currys account, I immediately called Curry’s and said that it’s the wrong phone and they arranged for DPD to cancel the delivery and send it back to curry’s (I never had the phone in my possession at any moment). Since then, Curry’s’ customer service team have been either lying to me by saying either “we haven’t received your iPhone 14 pro yet” or “we have received the iPhone 14 pro and are just waiting for the iPhone 14 pro max to be shipped to you”. Most recently, last Monday, I was told that they’re waiting for the iPhone 14 pro to be sent back to them as it hasn’t yet.. what ?? I then asked them for a refund as I felt I’d never get the phone by just waiting and then they started claiming the item has gotten lost in transit and that I need to wait for them to verify it with DPD. What kind of bs is this? I’m unable to get a refund for an item that not only I never received but one that I never ordered and was sent instead of what I actually ordered? Is there anything that can be done quickly? Or is my only choice filing a long civil suit against them? Thanks to any helpers!
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