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Everything posted by properme

  1. They sent the basic comp plus postage and I decided to give up. By that time I had a fairly good idea of what was involved in pursuing this to a final conclusion and decided it was too stressful. I'd also just finished an unpleasant stint of jury service.
  2. Whoops, just remembered...should I add to the last line of letter something to the effect of "if not settled in full within 14 days I will take further proceedings in the small claims court"?
  3. Hello again. I emailed proofs of sale and refund of the lost phone to Evri Support and received a fairly standard reply asking for my bank details so they could refund Max of £20 under the level of cover I chose. I've drafted a reply/letter of claim, which I was going to email. I should send a paper copy also? Could you take a look at the draft for me please? Evri/EVRi Parcelnet Ltd Capitol House 1 Capitol Close Morley LEEDS LS27 OWH Incident XXXXXXXXX Lost Parcel, Tracking Number: XXXX Posted at Drop-Off Shop 14 September 22 Dear Sir/Madam Thank you for the update and here are my bank details as requested. XXXXXXXXX I declared the value of the parcel as £220 when ordering online; I provided you proofs that I sold the phone for this amount and that the buyer has been refunded. To say that the maximum compensation I am entitled to is £20 due to the level of cover I chose within your standard compensation is unfair and amounts to an attempt to restrict your liability because I did not to pay additional parcel cover which is contrary to section 57 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015. The Act also requires that the service you provide should be carried out with reasonable care and skill. By losing my parcel you have failed in that duty and I am therefore seeking full compensation for the loss of my used Pixel 5 Smartphone. Ebay refunded the fee element of the sale to the buyer and I refunded £191.84. Postage was £6.54. This Letter of Claim is to seek compensation to the amount £198.38. Yours Sincerely,
  4. I received an email reply to the above formal complaint letter where a named representative asks for more details so that they can assess my "claim". They ask for proofs of sale and refund to buyer, ebay item number and other details. I'm wary of replying via email, especially as the return address is just the generic evri support address. If I'm going to write to them again anyway, should I make my reply be the Letter of Claim? And also, would it be correct to include the proofs of sale etc at this point? I thought it would be ok.
  5. Thanks BankFodder. I'd actually done quite a lot of reading before posting but I've bolstered my understanding with a full day at the computer today. I've decided to make a formal complaint first which I would be grateful if you would look at it before I post it off. Then after the ten days of most likely no response from Evri I'll send the Letter of Claim, allowing 14 days before initiating the MCOL process (I signed up on their website recently). Here is my Formal complaint letter: Mr Martijn De Lange Evri/EVRi Parcelnet Ltd Capitol House 1 Capitol Close Morley LEEDS LS27 OWH Incident xxxxxx-xxxxxx Lost Parcel, Tracking Number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Posted at Drop-Off Shop 14 September 22 Dear Sir, I write to formally complain about the loss of my parcel and the half hearted response to my request for help after I eventually managed to contact one of your agents by phone. The agent noted the details of the parcel it’s contents and value, i.e. my used pixel 5 smartphone value £220. Since my initial phone call I have been unable to contact anyone again to try and get more information because of the deliberate blocks put in place by your automated systems. The parcel was eventually confirmed as lost in a short email from EvriSupport@evri.com on Sunday 25 September. No information about how to claim compensation was offered. In fact, the agent wrote “I would kindly advise you to follow your own claim procedure”, which I don’t even understand. I replied to the email on the same Sunday and wrote again on 29 September and have received no replies. I am seeking full compensation for the financial loss of £191.84 refunded to the buyer of the phone plus the carriage cost via Evri £6.54. Total £198.38. Yours Sincerely,
  6. I'm glad I have found your forum because I thought I wasn't going to get anywhere with this problem. I sold my phone on ebay for £220 and sent it to the buyer in N.I. via Evri. When booking the postage on Evri.com I declared parcel contained a used smartphone; value £220. On return from the local drop-off shop I checked the tracking info: "We've Got it. We've received your parcel at the ParcelShop and will be collecting it shortly " This was the morning of 14 September and the tracking is unchanged as I write. The next day, 15 Sept, I became concerned there may be a problem and started to try and find out what was going on. After a lot of going round in circles I managed to speak to an agent on their customer support number (0330 808 5456) and she took my details and a description of the parcel and contents etc and said they would investigate. The outcome was a brief email from EvriSupport on Sunday 25 Sept saying it's lost and I should follow my own claim procedure, whatever that may mean. I replied immediately to that email asking questions and then refunded the guy who bought the phone (he had been very patient and understanding throughout). When I got no reply I wrote another on 29 Sept, no reply as yet. I've tried phoning again but the bot, after going through the tracking number etc, just says the enquiry is open and cuts me off. The online chat facility is no use at all. I'm stuck and not sure what I should do next if I can't even get a claim form from them and I hope you can advise. By the way, Evri.com T&c's has this advice in Section 6: 6.4. Any claim for Compensation must be made on a properly completed Claim Form which we will provide to you. You can contact us to make your claim by any method set out on our Contact Us page. Y ou must return the properly completed Claim Form to us within 14 days of us sending it to you, otherwise we may reject your claim. For our consumer customers, this timeframe doesn’t apply but we would still encourage our consumer customers to submit the Claim Form within this period. Promptly submitted claims will increase the likelihood of a successful investigation and will help us avoid rejecting your claim. I could not find a Contact Us page.
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