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Everything posted by Harrymid

  1. whenever I go into somewhere and buy some bits, I see the money go out my account, and I’ll see it as a pending transaction in my payments section of the Barclays app, then a Day or so later the money will go out again… for example the other day I got charged again for something I bought the day before for ten pounds randomly I was now 20 pounds down. I bought something for £7 it would come out of my balance immediately but I would see it pop up as a pending transaction in that tab, and the next day it would take another 7 pounds out of my balance. Does anyone know what’s going on here, another odd thing is when I look at one of the payments and can see the “balance after transaction” it says I have 13 pounds after transaction, when I go and look at my balance there is only a couple pounds in there… I have no clue what’s going on but I’m losing a ton of money over this and I can’t keep losing money for no reason. Any help is appreciated
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