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Justice Warrior

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Everything posted by Justice Warrior

  1. Thanks guys what are my next steps? On the one hand eBay actively pushed evri on me. RM was no option and parcel would have been late and I wasn’t given the option to delay shipment due to my courier of choice being unavailable. They pushed the evri option with a big green banner saying “recommended” even though it turns out evri don’t even offer compensation for 10000 items including laptops it turns out, so is that not negligent of eBay? I’m happy to take someone to court but my preference would be for whoever is more to blame here to simply pick up the tab. It’s a lot of money for me £500 but for eBay will they really go to court over that or evri? Where is their insurance? I’m feeling pretty overwhelmed so any clear steps to take now would be really so helpful. thank you
  2. I sold a £550 laptop last month via eBay. They gave me the option of various shipping services. I chose Royal Mail. When it came to the day of shipping I was informed Royal Mail are on strike and cannot fulfil the contract and so I need to chose from another service. I chose packlink which eBay “recommended” very clearly as the right choice for the item. I selected it and paid nearly £7 for signed for delivery, not the cheapest option by a long shot and more than I had originally charged the buyer when I thought Royal Mail were going to be taking it on. I packed up the laptop and sent it off with the evri courier ( apparently packlink use evri and aren’t even a real courier so that was nice and transparent of eBay to push me on to them ) I got a receipt card with the tracking number. All seemed well. A week later the buyer tells me he has not received the item and that the tracking shows it is with the courier still but not being sent for delivery . After some investigation Evri admit they have lost it and sorry about that but please let us know if we want to use them in the future. Now eBay say it is up to packlink , packlink say it is up to Evri, Evri cannot be reached by email, phone or website chat. They don’t even have a FAQ section for what happens when you lose my parcel, only a section about what if my parcel hasn’t arrived yet and then the answer is keep waiting. There is no way to make a claim. The compensation for the laptop if I ever get it would be £20 quid or so, laughable. My issue is this. I was not able to use Royal Mail as originally intended when eBay offered me choice of courier. They are in partnership with evri / packlink as they recommend them and give a discount if you use them. They gave me no options to use a courier that offers compensation. They even say in the evri website that laptops are not compensated with evri so why are eBay pushing them on me? I stated clearly in the listing which delivery service I would use and it didn’t say anything about using an insured postal option. If anyone is to blame between buyer and seller why is it not buyer? I don’t for a minute blame him but I also think he has as much blame as i do. He was happy to use the courier i chose as it kept the shipping cost down for him, he could have asked for a premium service which I would have searched for. He knew the value of the item as well as I did. Why, when I have done everything I was meant to to a t and sent off the parcel on time with an eBay endorsed courier and postage price and I going to have to be the one to refund this guy £500 when the laptop left my premises fine as evidenced by the courier who admit they have searched their depot and can’t find it. Why am I the one who bears the cost of this when I have done nothing wrong? Where is eBays customer protection and insurance? Where is their duty of care to us? I have been using eBay for 18 years. Evri have clearly just stolen it seeing it is a laptop and knowing that they can throw £20 at the problem and it goes away. do I have a leg to stand on? Do I take this to court! If so how and where? so grateful for anyone who can help me with this absolute mafia racket they are all running. Thanks to anyone who has read this far I appreciate it.
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