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Everything posted by SJ13

  1. I received the results of the tribunal today and they said ‘The Tribunal has determined that the Respondent’s estimate of £22,612 for a major works programme of external repairs and decorations is reasonable so that the service charges arising are payable’ plus they declined to make an order to stop the mgt Co from charging me the costs of fighting the tribunal. The whole thing was a lot of work for nothing. How is this fair? I’m left feeling that the whole tribunal process is pointless. Best way is to buy the freehold or do right to manage but in both these cases you need the agreement of the other leaseholders. Mine are uncommunicative.
  2. The whole schedule of works is unnecessarily long to justify the extremely large bill.
  3. It’s to do with CDM (construction design & management regulations - health & safety)
  4. The principal design fee is because they will be using scaffolding costing £4560 incl VAT. Because the scaffolder is a subcontractor, this is part of regulations. The cost of the scaffolding doubles the cost of painting the fascia’s, soffits and window frames at height.
  5. I applied to the tribunal after the consultation period had ended and they were about to start the works. There is a lot of paperwork for the tribunal as I’m dealing with it myself not through a solicitor. One of the leaseholders is in the process of selling and the other not very communicative so I’m on my own. If I could I would do Right to Manage or buy the freehold with the other leaseholders.
  6. Craven Builders & Decorators 15,860.00 Chartered Surveyors Fees. 1,586.00 Principal Design Fee. 500.00 VAT on registered suppliers. 3589.20 Administration Fee 5.00%. 897.30 VAT. 179.46 Total to be demanded. 22,611.96 Mostly just painting fascias, soffits, window frames and mullions, porch and front door (on a pebbledash building), base of building. £1000 provisional for possible roof repairs, £2500 for contingency…..
  7. I have applied to the First tier tribunal to dispute £22,000 plus bill for external decorations. I own a flat in a converted house which holds 3 flats in total. The surveyor used for the schedule of works was Angell Thomson. The management company is Together property mgt and the freeholder is Southern Land securities. The contractor they intend to use for the works is Craven builders & decorators. I would be interested to know what others are doing about this too.
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