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Everything posted by Louise1801

  1. Hi There, I was looking for some advice a company I worked with for a brief period back in August last year, who have illegally and incorrectly submitted information to the HMRC, stating that I was paid an amount of money, which was not received, despite chasing for this. Today I received a letter from the HMRC confirming that I was due a tax rebate, due to an overpayment for the tax year 2021-2022. On the calculations provided, it shows that I worked for a Company who claimed they paid me a sum of money, which I was subsequently taxed on, which in my mind is fraudulent. Had I not received this tax rebate with the breakdown of payments, I would never had known they had incorrectly claimed I was paid, where has this money gone? I tried to chase the employer at the time of leaving, however had no reply back from them and decided to leave it there, as I was due to start a new role. Now this new information has come to light, I would like to seek help on how I can claim the money owing to me. Many thanks in advance for you help!
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