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Everything posted by EllieK

  1. Hi I'm posting on behalf of my son who has received a PCN for 'failing to proceed in the direction shown by the arrow on a blue sign - proceeding in the wrong direction ' We can't view the video footage as it won't play online and fails to download so can only view the pictures. From what I can see, the sign for the bus lane that he proceeded into is placed literally right as you go in to it with no warnings before you reach that point. I can't see the arrow in the photos that say he should've turned right but without doing a trip back to London to have a look I can't say they're definitely not there. Also, in the photo, the bus lane sign appears to be angled slightly to the right and not facing fully to the front so isn't clearly displayed hence why my son didn't see it. I have never appealed a PCN before and neither has my son (this is his first PCN). I have no idea where to start so any help or advice would be really appreciated. The charge goes up from £65 to £130 on 15/09/22. If we do appeal and lose, do you lose the option for the discount?. Many thanks pcn.docx pcnpics.docx PCN+PIX.pdf
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