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Everything posted by Jacob4444

  1. I unknowingly entered a restricted zone and parked my car. Had some food at a restaurant then returned to my car within 90 mins and left the area. I received 2 PCN's in the post. 1st when i entered the zone and the 2nd when I left the zone on the same street i entered going in the opposite direction. Speaking to the LA they said the notice is not a PCN but a "moving violation". Asking if there is a difference it was conformed that they are different. I explained that at the top of the notice i received it clearly states: Your PCN number is ...... I also put to the gentleman that if i enter the London congestion zone 5 times in the same day I would only receive 1 PCN not 5. At this point the gentleman no longer wanted to discuss this issue and advised me to put my representation in writing. I paid the 1st PCN and made representations for the 2nd as above. Are LA's allowed to issued a 2nd PCN when leaving the restricted zone if they have already issued 1 for entering? Surely that cannot be the case. Can anyone shed any light on this matter for me?
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