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Everything posted by MaxxHeadroom

  1. Thank you very much. I'm not a medical person but my profession is affiliated to the health sector from a management perspective. Yes, I am researching on the internet and trying to find case law for guidance and some of the constraints around defamation cases. The 'fit to practice' hearing was heard in public and the matter in question is of public concern. Thank you once again.
  2. Hello CAG Members - I'm new to the Forum, so kindly bear with me please. I was not aware of this space until I was introduced by one of your prior beneficiaries who is a former work colleague of mine. I recently gave evidence at a professional 'fitness to practice' council hearing where I testified in support of my witness statement which I provided just over 2-years ago. I had reported to the authorities what I believed to be an accumulation of prescribed medication which originated from a secure establishment . The discovery of this significant quantity of medication was a chance encounter, and the accused, a registered nurse who is known to me, was brought before the 'fitness to practice' council due to the seriousness of the matter. It is during these proceedings that the accused registrant defamed me by making comments which implicated me and would do untold harm to both my personal and professional integrity. The comments were not supported by any evidence and were made on a whim through the accused's representative, presumably under oath. I say presumably because I had to provide an 'affirmation' prior to giving my evidence. My question is - are there any Members who have had any insights into how I can research 'defamation law' and what the protocols might be around this topic, please. As you can see, I am willing to do the leg work, all I'm seeking is some initial thoughts from those Members who might have some knowledge in this area, please. I look forward to hearing from you. With thanks.
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