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Everything posted by kayVal1516

  1. Well I emailed saying in June that my salary was dropping and they replied saying they needed evidence. I only sent them last week as I was waiting for my new contract through to show them. That’s when they said it didn’t show a decrease?! It’s 17,300 less than stated on my P60! As I said I also sent all my outgoings too to evidence outgoings versus salary from sept! They were concerned That my contract didn’t have a letterhead Can you actually just cancel a dd? Won’t I have bills and added interest costs on etc? Will they chase me for it and send it to collection agencies etc?
  2. I joined Bannatyne gym group in March 22 on a teacher's salary of £36,900. However, since then circumstances have changed, and I am moving to a role within the school at a salary of £19,600 for 3 months before I relocate to an area which is nowhere near the gym group. I have emailed them my P60 to show my current salary and my new contract from September the 1st from the school evidencing a £17,300 pay decrease. I have also included my rent, council tax, gas electric bills, phone bills, credit card bill, car payment etc evidence which totals £1200 a month. Surely, they can see I will be on £1400 a month from September which only leaves 200. However, they have refused this this morning saying it does not show evidence of a decrease?! What on earth am I meant to show??? I literally will not be able to pay them. I do not want to show my bank statements as I have savings and I also think they have no right to see my bank statements. Please help! Jen
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